

This package contains example models to demonstrate the usage of package blocks.


Name Description
 PID_Controller Demonstrates the usage of a Continuous.LimPID controller
 Filter Demonstrates the Continuous.Filter block with various options
 FilterWithDifferentiation Demonstrates the use of low pass filters to determine derivatives of filters
 FilterWithRiseTime Demonstrates to use the rise time instead of the cut-off frequency to define a filter
 SlewRateLimiter Demonstrate usage of Nonlinear.SlewRateLimiter
 InverseModel Demonstrates the construction of an inverse model
 ShowLogicalSources Demonstrates the usage of logical sources together with their diagram animation
 LogicalNetwork1 Demonstrates the usage of logical blocks
 RealNetwork1 Demonstrates the usage of blocks from Modelica.Blocks.Math
 IntegerNetwork1 Demonstrates the usage of blocks from Modelica.Blocks.MathInteger
 BooleanNetwork1 Demonstrates the usage of blocks from Modelica.Blocks.MathBoolean
 Interaction1 Demonstrates the usage of blocks from Modelica.Blocks.Interaction.Show
 BusUsage Demonstrates the usage of a signal bus
 Rectifier6pulseFFT Example of FFT block
 Rectifier12pulseFFT Example of FFT block
 TotalHarmonicDistortion Calculation of total harmonic distortion of voltage
 NoiseExamples Library of examples to demonstrate the usage of package Blocks.Noise
 BusUsage_Utilities Utility models and connectors for example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BusUsage

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