

Package Sensors consists of idealized sensor components that provide variables of a medium model and/or fluid ports as output signals. These signals can be, e.g., further processed with components of the Modelica.Blocks library. Also more realistic sensor models can be built, by further processing (e.g., by attaching block Modelica.Blocks.FirstOrder to model the time constant of the sensor).

For the thermodynamic state variables temperature, specific enthalpy, specific entropy and density the fluid library provides two different types of sensors: regular one port and two port sensors.

Modelica.Fluid.Examples.Explanatory.MeasuringTemperature demonstrates the differences between one- and two-port sensor at hand of a simple example.


Name Description
 Pressure Ideal pressure sensor
 Density Ideal one port density sensor
 DensityTwoPort Ideal two port density sensor
 Temperature Ideal one port temperature sensor
 TemperatureTwoPort Ideal two port temperature sensor
 SpecificEnthalpy Ideal one port specific enthalpy sensor
 SpecificEnthalpyTwoPort Ideal two port sensor for the specific enthalpy
 SpecificEntropy Ideal one port specific entropy sensor
 SpecificEntropyTwoPort Ideal two port sensor for the specific entropy
 MassFractions Ideal one port mass fraction sensor
 MassFractionsTwoPort Ideal two port sensor for mass fraction
 TraceSubstances Ideal one port trace substances sensor
 TraceSubstancesTwoPort Ideal two port sensor for trace substance
 MassFlowRate Ideal sensor for mass flow rate
 VolumeFlowRate Ideal sensor for volume flow rate
 RelativePressure Ideal relative pressure sensor
 RelativeTemperature Ideal relative temperature sensor
 BaseClasses Base classes used in the Sensors package (only of interest to build new component models)


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