


Name Description
 HeatCapacitor Lumped thermal element storing heat
 ThermalConductor Lumped thermal element transporting heat without storing it
 ThermalResistor Lumped thermal element transporting heat without storing it
 Convection Lumped thermal element for heat convection (Q_flow = Gc*dT)
 ConvectiveResistor Lumped thermal element for heat convection (dT = Rc*Q_flow)
 BodyRadiation Lumped thermal element for radiation heat transfer
 ThermalCollector Collects m heat flows
 GeneralHeatFlowToTemperatureAdaptor Signal adaptor for a HeatTransfer port with temperature and derivative of temperature as outputs and heat flow as input (especially useful for FMUs)
 GeneralTemperatureToHeatFlowAdaptor Signal adaptor for a HeatTransfer port with heat flow as output and temperature and derivative of temperature as input (especially useful for FMUs)

Generated at 2020-06-05T07:38:22Z by OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev-420-gc007a39