This package provides often needed constants from mathematics, machine dependent constants and constants from nature. The latter constants (name, value, description) are from the following source:
CODATA is the Committee on Data for Science and Technology.
Copyright © 1998-2018, Modelica Association and contributors
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package
(Icon for standard packages).
Type | Name | Value | Description |
final Velocity | c | 2.99792458e+8 | Speed of light in vacuum |
final Real | D2R | 0.005555555555556 * pi | Degree to Radian |
final Real | e | Modelica.Math.exp(1) | |
final Real | eps | ModelicaServices.Machine.eps | Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0 |
final Real | epsilon_0 | (mue_0 * c * c) ^ (-1) | Electric constant |
final FaradayConstant | F | 96485.33289 | Faraday constant, C/mol (previous value: 9.64853399e4) |
final Real | G | 6.67408e-11 | Newtonian constant of gravitation (previous value: 6.6742e-11) |
final Acceleration | g_n | 9.80665 | Standard acceleration of gravity on earth |
final Real | gamma | 0.577215664901533 | see |
final Real | h | 6.62607004e-34 | Planck constant (previous value: 6.6260693e-34) |
final Real | inf | ModelicaServices.Machine.inf | Biggest Real number such that inf and -inf are representable on the machine |
final Integer | Integer_inf | ModelicaServices.Machine.Integer_inf | Biggest Integer number such that Integer_inf and -Integer_inf are representable on the machine |
final Real | k | 1.38064852e-23 | Boltzmann constant (previous value: 1.3806505e-23) |
final Real | mue_0 | 4 * pi * (1e-7) | Magnetic constant |
final Real | N_A | 6.022140857e+23 | Avogadro constant (previous value: 6.0221415e23) |
final Real | pi | 2 * Modelica.Math.asin(1) | |
final ElectricCharge | q | Modelica.Constants.F / Modelica.Constants.N_A | Elementary charge (electron charge without sign) = 1.602177e-19 C |
final Real | R | 8.3144598 | Molar gas constant (previous value: 8.314472) |
final Real | R2D | 180 / pi | Radian to Degree |
final Real | sigma | 5.670367e-8 | Stefan-Boltzmann constant (previous value: 5.670400e-8) |
final Real | small | ModelicaServices.Machine.small | Smallest number such that small and -small are representable on the machine |
final Temperature_degC | T_zero | -273.15 | Absolute zero temperature |
Generated 2018-12-12 12:14:36 EST by MapleSim.