Package Modelica.​Media.​IdealGases.​SingleGases
Media models of ideal gases from NASA tables


This package contains medium models for the following 37 gases (see also the description in Modelica.Media.IdealGases):

Argon             Methane          Methanol       Carbon Monoxide  Carbon Dioxide
Acetylene         Ethylene         Ethanol        Ethane           Propylene
Propane           1-Propanol       1-Butene       N-Butane         1-Pentene
N-Pentane         Benzene          1-Hexene       N-Hexane         1-Heptane
N-Heptane         Ethylbenzene     N-Octane       Chlorine         Fluorine
Hydrogen          Steam            Helium         Ammonia          Nitric Oxide
Nitrogen Dioxide  Nitrogen         Nitrous        Oxide            Neon Oxygen
Sulfur Dioxide    Sulfur Trioxide

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​VariantsPackage (Icon for package containing variants).

Package Contents

ArIdeal gas "Ar" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C2H2_vinylideneIdeal gas "C2H2_vinylidene" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C2H4Ideal gas "C2H4" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C2H5OHIdeal gas "C2H5OH" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C2H6Ideal gas "C2H6" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C3H6_propyleneIdeal gas "C3H6_propylene" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C3H8Ideal gas "C3H8" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C3H8O_1propanolIdeal gas "C3H8O_1propanol" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C4H10_n_butaneIdeal gas "C4H10_n_butane" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C4H8_1_buteneIdeal gas "C4H8_1_butene" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C5H10_1_penteneIdeal gas "C5H10_1_pentene" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C5H12_n_pentaneIdeal gas "C5H12_n_pentane" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C6H12_1_hexeneIdeal gas "C6H12_1_hexene" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C6H14_n_hexaneIdeal gas "C6H14_n_hexane" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C6H6Ideal gas "C6H6" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C7H14_1_hepteneIdeal gas "C7H14_1_heptene" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C7H16_n_heptaneIdeal gas "C7H16_n_heptane" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C8H10_ethylbenzIdeal gas "C8H10_ethylbenz" from NASA Glenn coefficients
C8H18_n_octaneIdeal gas "C8H18_n_octane" from NASA Glenn coefficients
CH3OHIdeal gas "CH3OH" from NASA Glenn coefficients
CH4Ideal gas "CH4" from NASA Glenn coefficients
CL2Ideal gas "Cl2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
COIdeal gas "CO" from NASA Glenn coefficients
CO2Ideal gas "CO2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
F2Ideal gas "F2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
H2Ideal gas "H2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
H2OIdeal gas "H2O" from NASA Glenn coefficients
HeIdeal gas "He" from NASA Glenn coefficients
N2Ideal gas "N2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
N2OIdeal gas "N2O" from NASA Glenn coefficients
NeIdeal gas "Ne" from NASA Glenn coefficients
NH3Ideal gas "NH3" from NASA Glenn coefficients
NOIdeal gas "NO" from NASA Glenn coefficients
NO2Ideal gas "NO2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
O2Ideal gas "O2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
SO2Ideal gas "SO2" from NASA Glenn coefficients
SO3Ideal gas "SO3" from NASA Glenn coefficients

Generated 2018-12-12 12:14:14 EST by MapleSim.