Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause
BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Name | Description |
'constructor' | Constructor |
'0' | Zero-element of addition (= Complex(0)) |
'-' | Unary and binary minus |
'*' | Multiplication |
'+' | Add two complex numbers |
'/' | Divide two complex numbers |
'^' | Complex power of complex number |
'==' | Test whether two complex numbers are identical |
'<>' | Test whether two complex numbers are not identical |
'String' | Transform Complex number into a String representation |