

This library contains input/output blocks to build up block diagrams.

Main Author:
Martin Otter
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)
Postfach 1116
D-82230 Wessling
email: Martin.Otter@dlr.de

Copyright © 1998-2019, Modelica Association and contributors


Name Description
 Examples Library of examples to demonstrate the usage of package Blocks
 Continuous Library of continuous control blocks with internal states
 Discrete Library of discrete input/output blocks with fixed sample period
 Interaction Library of user interaction blocks to input and to show variables in a diagram animation
 Interfaces Library of connectors and partial models for input/output blocks
 Logical Library of components with Boolean input and output signals
 Math Library of Real mathematical functions as input/output blocks
 MathInteger Library of Integer mathematical functions as input/output blocks
 MathBoolean Library of Boolean mathematical functions as input/output blocks
 Nonlinear Library of discontinuous or non-differentiable algebraic control blocks
 Routing Library of blocks to combine and extract signals
 Noise Library of noise blocks
 Sources Library of signal source blocks generating Real, Integer and Boolean signals
 Tables Library of blocks to interpolate in one and two-dimensional tables
 Types Library of constants, external objects and types with choices, especially to build menus
 Icons Icons for Blocks


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