This package contains basic mathematical operations, such as summation and multiplication, and basic mathematical functions, such as sqrt and sin, as input/output blocks. All blocks of this library can be either connected with continuous blocks or with sampled-data blocks.
Name | Description |
UnitConversions | Conversion blocks to convert between SI and non-SI unit signals |
InverseBlockConstraints | Construct inverse model by requiring that two inputs and two outputs are identical |
Gain | Output the product of a gain value with the input signal |
MatrixGain | Output the product of a gain matrix with the input signal vector |
MultiSum | Sum of Reals: y = k[1]*u[1] + k[2]*u[2] + ... + k[n]*u[n] |
MultiProduct | Product of Reals: y = u[1]*u[2]* ... *u[n] |
MultiSwitch | Set Real expression that is associated with the first active input signal |
Sum | Output the sum of the elements of the input vector |
Feedback | Output difference between commanded and feedback input |
Add | Output the sum of the two inputs |
Add3 | Output the sum of the three inputs |
Product | Output product of the two inputs |
Division | Output first input divided by second input |
Abs | Output the absolute value of the input |
Sign | Output the sign of the input |
Sqrt | Output the square root of the input (input >= 0 required) |
Sin | Output the sine of the input |
Cos | Output the cosine of the input |
Tan | Output the tangent of the input |
Asin | Output the arc sine of the input |
Acos | Output the arc cosine of the input |
Atan | Output the arc tangent of the input |
Atan2 | Output atan(u1/u2) of the inputs u1 and u2 |
Sinh | Output the hyperbolic sine of the input |
Cosh | Output the hyperbolic cosine of the input |
Tanh | Output the hyperbolic tangent of the input |
Exp | Output the exponential (base e) of the input |
Power | Output the power to a base of the input |
Log | Output the logarithm (default base e) of the input (input > 0 required) |
Log10 | Output the base 10 logarithm of the input (input > 0 required) |
WrapAngle | Wrap angle to interval ]-pi,pi] or [0,2*pi[ |
RealToInteger | Convert Real to Integer signal |
IntegerToReal | Convert Integer to Real signals |
BooleanToReal | Convert Boolean to Real signal |
BooleanToInteger | Convert Boolean to Integer signal |
RealToBoolean | Convert Real to Boolean signal |
IntegerToBoolean | Convert Integer to Boolean signal |
RectangularToPolar | Convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates |
PolarToRectangular | Convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates |
Mean | Calculate mean over period 1/f |
RectifiedMean | Calculate rectified mean over period 1/f |
ContinuousMean | Calculates the empirical expectation (mean) value of its input signal |
RootMeanSquare | Calculate root mean square over period 1/f |
Variance | Calculates the empirical variance of its input signal |
StandardDeviation | Calculates the empirical standard deviation of its input signal |
Harmonic | Calculate harmonic over period 1/f |
TotalHarmonicDistortion | Output the total harmonic distortion (THD) |
RealFFT | Sampling and FFT of input u |
Pythagoras | Determine the hypotenuse or leg of a right triangle |
Max | Pass through the largest signal |
Min | Pass through the smallest signal |
MinMax | Output the minimum and the maximum element of the input vector |
LinearDependency | Output a linear combination of the two inputs |
Edge | Indicates rising edge of Boolean signal |
BooleanChange | Indicates Boolean signal changing |
IntegerChange | Indicates integer signal changing |