First version of the library provided on the Modelica web page.
Changes with respect to version 0.9:
- The library has been slightly restructured.
- Documentation has been significantly enhanced (nearly all
elements of the library are documented now).
- Simple examples have been added for many blocks of the library
in the new package Examples.Elementary.
These blocks have been used to generate the figures in the
documentation of many blocks. Furthermore, they are used for
testing these blocks.
The library has been tested with Dymola 2013 FD01:
- "Check" with "Pedantic = true" is successful (so the library
should be completely compatible to the Modelica 3.3
- "Check with Simulation" is successful.
- The tests have a class coverage of 100 % (that is every class
of the library is utilized in at least one test).
- The results of the test models have been either manually
checked, or compared with results of the
Modelica_LinearSystems.Controller or the Modelica.Blocks.Discrete
The library has also been tested with the MapleSim Standalone
Modelica parser (so also another Modelica tool deduces that the
library is fully compliant to Modelica).
Generated at 2020-06-05T21:39:08Z by OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev-442-g2e5bc9f