This package contains basic mathematical operations, such as summation and multiplication, and basic mathematical functions, such as sqrt and sin, as input/output blocks. All blocks of this library can be either connected with continuous blocks or with sampled-data blocks.
Name | Description |
Conj | Output is equal to the conjugate complex input signal |
Gain | Output the product of a gain value with the input signal |
Sum | Output the sum of the elements of the input vector |
Feedback | Output difference between commanded input 1 and feedback input 2 |
Add | Output the sum of the two inputs |
Add3 | Output the sum of the three inputs |
Product | Output product of the two inputs |
Division | Output first input divided by second input |
Sqrt | Output the square root of the input (= principal square root of complex number) |
Sin | Output the sine of the input |
Cos | Output the cosine of the input |
Tan | Output the tangent of the input |
Asin | Output the arc sine of the input |
Acos | Output the arc cosine of the input |
Atan | Output the arc tangent of the input |
Sinh | Output the hyperbolic sine of the input |
Cosh | Output the hyperbolic cosine of the input |
Tanh | Output the hyperbolic tangent of the input |
Exp | Output the exponential (base e) of the input |
Log | Output the natural (base e) logarithm of the input (input <> '0' required) |
RealToComplex | Converts Cartesian representation to complex |
PolarToComplex | Converts polar representation to complex |
ComplexToReal | Converts complex to Cartesian representation |
ComplexToPolar | Converts complex to polar representation |
Bode | Calculate quantities to plot Bode diagram |
TransferFunction | Complex Transfer Function |