

This package contains connectors and interfaces (partial models) for electrical polyphase components, based on Modelica.Electrical.Analog.


Name Description
Plug Polyphase electrical plug with m pins
PositivePlug Positive polyphase electrical plug with m pins
NegativePlug Negative polyphase electrical plug with m pins
ConditionalHeatPort Partial model to include conditional HeatPorts in order to describe the power loss via a thermal network
TwoPlug Component with one polyphase electrical port
OnePort Component with two electrical plugs and currents from plug_p to plug_n
FourPlug Component with two polyphase electrical ports
TwoPort Component with two polyphase electrical ports, including currents


Main Authors:
Anton Haumer
Technical Consulting & Electrical Engineering
D-93049 Regensburg
email: a.haumer@haumer.at
Release Notes:

Generated at 2020-06-05T21:39:08Z by OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev-442-g2e5bc9f