


Re = CubicInterpolation_Re(0, Re1, Re2, Delta, lambda2);


Function CubicInterpolation_Re(..) approximates the Reynolds number Re in the transition regime between laminar and turbulent flow of the Moody diagram by an inverse formulation of a cubic Hermite spline interpolation. See Modelica.Fluid.UsersGuide.ComponentDefinition.WallFriction (especially Region 2) for a detailed explanation.


function CubicInterpolation_Re
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  import Modelica.Math;
  input Real Re_turbulent "Unused input";
  input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re1 "Boundary Reynolds number for laminar regime";
  input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re2 "Boundary Reynolds number for turbulent regime";
  input Real Delta "Relative roughness";
  input Real lambda2 "Modified friction coefficient (= independent variable)";
  output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Interpolated Reynolds number in transition region";
end CubicInterpolation_Re;


2018-11-20 Stefan Wischhusen: Renamed function from CubicInterpolation_DP to CubicInterpolation_Re.
Generated at 2020-06-05T21:39:08Z by OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev-442-g2e5bc9f