

This library provides pressure loss factors of a pipe segment (orifice, bending etc.) with a minimum amount of data. If available, data can be provided for both flow directions, i.e., flow from port_a to port_b and from port_b to port_a, as well as for the laminar and the turbulent region. It is also an option to provide the loss factor only for the turbulent region for a flow from port_a to port_b. Basically, the pressure drop is defined by the following equation:

Δp = 0.5*ζ*ρ*v*|v|
   = 0.5*ζ/A^2 * (1/ρ) * m_flow*|m_flow|
   = 8*ζ/(π^2*D^4*ρ) * m_flow*|m_flow|



Name Description
 LossFactorData Data structure defining constant loss factor data for dp = zeta*rho*v*|v|/2 and functions providing the data for some loss types
 massFlowRate_dp Return mass flow rate from constant loss factor data and pressure drop (m_flow = f(dp))
 massFlowRate_dp_and_Re Return mass flow rate from constant loss factor data, pressure drop and Re (m_flow = f(dp))
 pressureLoss_m_flow Return pressure drop from constant loss factor and mass flow rate (dp = f(m_flow))
 pressureLoss_m_flow_and_Re Return pressure drop from constant loss factor, mass flow rate and Re (dp = f(m_flow))
 BaseModel Generic pressure drop component with constant turbulent loss factor data and without an icon
 BaseModelNonconstantCrossSectionArea Generic pressure drop component with constant turbulent loss factor data and without an icon, for non-constant cross section area
 pressureLoss_m_flow_totalPressure Return pressure drop from constant loss factor and mass flow rate (dp = f(m_flow))

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