

Calculation of Reynolds Number

Re = |v|ρD/μ

a measure of the relationship between inertial forces (vρ) and viscous forces (D/μ).

The following table gives examples for the characteristic dimension D and the velocity v for different fluid flow devices:

Device Type Characteristic Dimension D Velocity v
Circular Pipe diameter m_flow/ρ/crossArea
Rectangular Duct 4*crossArea/perimeter m_flow/ρ/crossArea
Wide Duct distance between narrow, parallel walls m_flow/ρ/crossArea
Packed Bed diameterOfSpericalParticles/(1-fluidFractionOfTotalVolume) m_flow/ρ/crossArea (without particles)
Device with rotating agitator diameterOfRotor RotationalSpeed*diameterOfRotor


function ReynoldsNumber
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input SI.Velocity v "Mean velocity of fluid flow";
  input SI.Density rho "Fluid density";
  input SI.DynamicViscosity mu "Dynamic (absolute) viscosity";
  input SI.Length D "Characteristic dimension (hydraulic diameter of pipes)";
  output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number";
end ReynoldsNumber;

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