

Flux tube element for modeling soft magnetic materials with ferromagnetic and dynamic hysteresis (eddy currents). The ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior is defined by the Tellinen hysteresis model. The shape of the limiting hysteresis loop (see Fig. 1) is described by simple hyperbolic tangent functions with 4 parameters. Therefore, the hysteresis shape variety is limited but the parameterization of the model is very simple and the model is relatively fast and robust. The rising (hystR) and falling (hystF) branches of the limiting hysteresis loop are defined by the following equations.

Fig. 1: Hyperbolic tangent functions define the shape of the ferromagnetic (static) hysteresis

An overview over of available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package HysteresisAndMagnets can be found in UsersGuide.Hysteresis.

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