

This library provides functions operating on vectors that have a Boolean vector as input argument.


Name Description
 allTrue Returns true, if all elements of the Boolean input vector are true ('and')
andTrue Returns true, if all elements of the Boolean input vector are true ('and')
 anyTrue Returns true, if at least one element of the Boolean input vector is true ('or')
 countTrue Returns the number of true elements in a Boolean vector
 enumerate Enumerates the true elements in a Boolean vector (0 for false elements)
 firstTrueIndex Returns the index of the first true element of a Boolean vector
 index Returns the indices of the true elements of a Boolean vector
 oneTrue Returns true, if exactly one element of the Boolean input vector is true ("xor")

Generated at 2020-06-05T21:39:08Z by OpenModelica 1.16.0~dev-442-g2e5bc9f