

This package contains utility functions that are utilized by higher level matrix functions. These functions are usually not useful for an end-user.


Name Description
 continuousRiccatiIterative Newton's method with exact line search for iterative solving continuous algebraic Riccati equation
 discreteRiccatiIterative Newton's method with exact line search for solving discrete algebraic Riccati equation
 toUpperHessenberg Transform a real square matrix A to upper Hessenberg form H by orthogonal similarity transformation: Q' * A * Q = H
 eigenvaluesHessenberg Compute eigenvalues of an upper Hessenberg form matrix
 reorderRSF Reorders a real Schur form to clusters of stable and unstable eigenvalues
 findLocal_tk Find a local minimizer tk to define the length of the step tk*Nk in continuousRiccatiIterative and discreteRiccatiIterative

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