3rd test example: IndirectCooling
A prescribed heat sources dissipates its heat through a thermal conductor to the inner coolant cycle. It is necessary to define the pressure level of the inner coolant cycle. The inner coolant cycle is coupled to the outer coolant flow through a thermal conductor.output | explanation | formula | actual steady-state value |
dTSource | Source over Ambient | dtouterCoolant + dtCooler + dTinnerCoolant + dtToPipe | 40 K |
dTtoPipe | Source over inner Coolant | Losses / ThermalConductor.G | 10 K |
dTinnerColant | inner Coolant's temperature increase | Losses * cp * innerMassFlow | 10 K |
dTCooler | Cooler's temperature rise between inner and outer pipes | Losses * (innerGc + outerGc) | 10 K |
dTouterColant | outer Coolant's temperature increase | Losses * cp * outerMassFlow | 10 K |