The components of this package are provided for the convenience of people working mostly with Rankine units, since all models in package HeatTransfer are based on Kelvin units.
Note, that in package Modelica.Units.Conversions, functions are provided to convert between the units Kelvin, degree Celsius, degree Fahrenheit and degree Rankine. These functions allow, e.g., a direct conversion of units at all places where Kelvin is required as parameter. Example:
import Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_degRk; Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.HeatCapacitor C(T0 = from_degRk(500));
Name | Description |
Conversion from degree Rankine to Kelvin | |
Conversion from Kelvin to degree Rankine | |
Fixed temperature boundary condition in degRankine | |
Variable temperature boundary condition in degRankine | |
Absolute temperature sensor in degRankine |