stringVector2 = Streams.sort(stringVector1); stringVector2 = Streams.sort(stringVector1, caseSensitive=true);
Function sort(..) sorts a string vector stringVector1 in lexicographical order and returns the result in stringVector2. If the optional argument "caseSensitive" is false, lower and upper case letters are not distinguished.
s1 = {"force", "angle", "pressure"}; s2 = Strings.sort(s1); -> s2 = {"angle", "force", "pressure"};
function sort extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input String stringVector1[:] "Vector of strings"; input Boolean caseSensitive = true "= false, if lower and upper case are ignored when comparing elements of stringVector1"; output String stringVector2[size(stringVector1, 1)] "stringVector1 sorted in alphabetical order"; end sort;