

The State Space block defines the relation between the input u and the output y in state space form:

    der(x) = A * x + B * u
        y  = C * x + D * u

The input is a vector of length nu, the output is a vector of length ny and nx is the number of states. Accordingly

        A has the dimension: A(nx,nx),
        B has the dimension: B(nx,nu),
        C has the dimension: C(ny,nx),
        D has the dimension: D(ny,nu)


     parameter: A = [0.12, 2;3, 1.5]
     parameter: B = [2, 7;3, 1]
     parameter: C = [0.1, 2]
     parameter: D = zeros(ny,nu)
results in the following equations:
  [der(x[1])]   [0.12  2.00] [x[1]]   [2.0  7.0] [u[1]]
  [         ] = [          ]*[    ] + [        ]*[    ]
  [der(x[2])]   [3.00  1.50] [x[2]]   [0.1  2.0] [u[2]]
                             [x[1]]            [u[1]]
       y[1]   = [0.1  2.0] * [    ] + [0  0] * [    ]
                             [x[2]]            [u[2]]

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