

Stray load losses are modeled similar to standards EN 60034-2 and IEEE 112, i.e., they are dependent on square of current, but without scaling them to zero at no-load current.

For an estimation of dependency on varying angular velocity see:
W. Lang, Über die Bemessung verlustarmer Asynchronmotoren mit Käfigläufer für Pulsumrichterspeisung, Doctoral Thesis, Technical University of Vienna, 1984.

The stray load losses are modeled such way that they do not cause a voltage drop in the electric circuit. Instead, the dissipated losses are considered through an equivalent braking torque at the shaft.

The stray load loss torque is

  tau = PRef/wRef * (i/IRef)^2 * (w/wRef)^power_w

where i is the current of the machine and w is the actual angular velocity. The dependency of the stray load torque on the angular velocity is modeled by the exponent power_w.

See also

StrayLoad parameters

If it is desired to neglect stray load losses, set strayLoadParameters.PRef = 0 (this is the default).

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