The package Equation contains functions that are needed to model the semiconductor models. Some of these functions are used by several semiconductor models.
Name | Description |
Temperature dependency of junction potential |
Temperature dependency of saturation current |
Voltage limitation | |
Temperature dependency of junction parameters |
Coefficient calculation |
Junction current and conductance calculation |
Junction current and conductance calculation, obsolete, use junction2SPICE3MOSFETRevised |
Junction capacity |
Junction capacity, obsolete, use JunctionCapRevised | |
Temperature dependency of saturation current |
Junction Voltage |
Junction current and conductance calculation | |
Junction capacitance transittime calculation |
Junction current and conductance calculation | |
Temperature dependent conductance | |
Resistance dependent from width and narrow | |
Temperature dependency of saturation current |
Capacitance dependent from width and narrow | |
Temperature dependency of energy gap |
Junction current and conductance calculation |
Temperature dependency of energy gap |