function mosfetRenameParametersDev
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
input SI.Length W "Channel Width";
input SI.Length L "Channel Length";
input SI.Area AD "Area of the drain diffusion";
input SI.Area AS "Area of the source diffusion";
input SI.Length PD "Perimeter of the drain junction";
input SI.Length PS "Perimeter of the source junction";
input Real NRD "Number of squares of the drain diffusions";
input Real NRS "Number of squares of the source diffusions";
input Integer OFF "Optional initial condition: 0 - IC not used, 1 - IC used, not implemented yet";
input SI.Voltage IC_VDS "Initial condition value VDS, not implemented yet";
input SI.Voltage IC_VGS "Initial condition value VGS, not implemented yet";
input SI.Voltage IC_VBS "Initial condition value VBS, not implemented yet";
input Boolean UIC "Use initial condition, UIC";
input SI.Temp_C TEMP "Temperature";
output Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Internal.Mosfet.Mosfet dev "Output record Mosfet";
end mosfetRenameParametersDev;