Library Modelica.Fluid is a free Modelica package providing components for 1-dimensional thermo-fluid flow in networks of vessels, pipes, fluid machines, valves and fittings. A unique feature is that the component equations and the media models as well as pressure loss and heat transfer correlations are decoupled from each other. All components are implemented such that they can be used for media from the Modelica.Media library. This means especially that an incompressible or compressible medium, a single or a multiple substance medium with one or more phases might be used.
In the next figure, several features of the library are demonstrated with a simple heating system with a closed flow cycle. By just changing one configuration parameter in the system object the equations are changed between steady-state and dynamic simulation with fixed or steady-state initial conditions.
With respect to previous versions, the design of the connectors has been changed in a non-backward compatible way, using the recently developed concept of stream connectors that results in much more reliable simulations (see also Stream-Connectors-Overview-Rationale.pdf). This extension was included in Modelica 3.1.
The following parts are useful, when newly starting with this library:
Copyright © 2002-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
Name | Description |
User's Guide | |
Demonstration of the usage of the library | |
System properties and default values (ambient, flow direction, initialization) | |
Devices for storing fluid | |
Devices for conveying fluid | |
Devices for converting between energy held in a fluid and mechanical energy | |
Components for the regulation and control of fluid flow | |
Adaptors for connections of fluid components and the regulation of fluid flow | |
Define fixed or prescribed boundary conditions | |
Ideal sensor components to extract signals from a fluid connector | |
Interfaces for steady state and unsteady, mixed-phase, multi-substance, incompressible and compressible flow | |
Common types for fluid models | |
Functions for convective heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics | |
Utility models to construct fluid components (should not be used directly) | |