Package Modelica.Media.Common provides records and functions shared by many of the property sub-packages. High accuracy fluid property models share a lot of common structure, even if the actual models are different. Common data structures and computations shared by these property models are collected in this library.
Name | Description |
Rate | |
MolarFlowRate | |
MolarReactionRate | |
MolarEnthalpy | |
DerDensityByEntropy | |
DerEnergyByPressure | |
DerEnergyByMoles | |
DerEntropyByTemperature | |
DerEntropyByPressure | |
DerEntropyByMoles | |
DerPressureByDensity | |
DerPressureBySpecificVolume | |
DerPressureByTemperature | |
DerVolumeByTemperature | |
DerVolumeByPressure | |
DerVolumeByMoles | |
IsenthalpicExponent | |
IsentropicExponent | |
IsobaricVolumeExpansionCoefficient | |
IsochoricPressureCoefficient | |
IsothermalCompressibility | |
JouleThomsonCoefficient | |
ThermoFluidSpecial | Property records used by the ThermoFluid library |
SaturationProperties | Properties in the two phase region |
SaturationBoundaryProperties | Properties on both phase boundaries, including some derivatives |
IF97BaseTwoPhase | Intermediate property data record for IF 97 |
IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties | Thermodynamic base properties on the phase boundary for IF97 steam tables |
GibbsDerivs | Derivatives of dimensionless Gibbs-function w.r.t. dimensionless pressure and temperature |
HelmholtzDerivs | Derivatives of dimensionless Helmholtz-function w.r.t. dimensionless pressure, density and temperature |
TwoPhaseTransportProps | Defines properties on both phase boundaries, needed in the two phase region |
PhaseBoundaryProperties | Thermodynamic base properties on the phase boundary |
NewtonDerivatives_ph | Derivatives for fast inverse calculations of Helmholtz functions: p & h |
NewtonDerivatives_ps | Derivatives for fast inverse calculation of Helmholtz functions: p & s |
NewtonDerivatives_pT | Derivatives for fast inverse calculations of Helmholtz functions:p & T |
ExtraDerivatives | Additional thermodynamic derivatives |
BridgmansTables | Calculates all entries in Bridgmans tables if first seven variables given |
FundamentalConstants | Constants of the medium |
AuxiliaryProperties | Intermediate property data record |
GibbsDerivs2 | Derivatives of Gibbs function w.r.t. pressure and temperature |
NewtonDerivatives_dT | Derivatives for fast inverse calculations of Gibbs function |
gibbsToBridgmansTables | Calculates base coefficients for Bridgman's tables from gibbs enthalpy |
helmholtzToBridgmansTables | Calculates base coefficients for Bridgmans tables from Helmholtz energy |
gibbsToBoundaryProps | Calculate phase boundary property record from dimensionless Gibbs function |
helmholtzToBoundaryProps | Calculate phase boundary property record from dimensionless Helmholtz function |
cv2Phase | Compute isochoric specific heat capacity inside the two-phase region |
cvdpT2Phase | Compute isochoric specific heat capacity inside the two-phase region and derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature |
gibbsToExtraDerivs | Compute additional thermodynamic derivatives from dimensionless Gibbs function |
helmholtzToExtraDerivs | Compute additional thermodynamic derivatives from dimensionless Helmholtz function |
Helmholtz_ph | Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing d and t given p and h |
Helmholtz_pT | Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing d and t given p and t |
Helmholtz_ps | Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing d and t given p and s |
smoothStep | Approximation of a general step, such that the characteristic is continuous and differentiable |
Gibbs2_ph | Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing T given p and h |
Gibbs2_dT | Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing p given d and T |
Gibbs2_ps | Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing d and t given p and s |
OneNonLinearEquation | Determine solution of a non-linear algebraic equation in one unknown without derivatives in a reliable and efficient way |