Package Modelica is a standardized and pre-defined package that is developed together with the Modelica language from the Modelica Association, see It is also called Modelica Standard Library. It provides constants, types, connectors, partial models and model components in various disciplines.
This is a short User's Guide for the overall library. Some of the main sublibraries have their own User's Guides that can be accessed by the following links:
ComplexBlocks | Library of basic input/output control blocks with Complex signals |
Digital | Library for digital electrical components based on the VHDL standard (2-,3-,4-,9-valued logic) |
Dissipation | Library of functions for convective heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics |
Fluid | Library of 1-dim. thermo-fluid flow models using the Modelica.Media media description |
FluidHeatFlow | Library of simple components for 1-dimensional incompressible thermo-fluid flow models |
FluxTubes | Library for modelling of electromagnetic devices with lumped magnetic networks |
FundamentalWave | Library for magnetic fundamental wave effects in electric machines |
FundamentalWave | Library for quasi static fundamental wave electric machines |
Machines | Library for electric machines |
Media | Library of media property models |
MultiBody | Library to model 3-dimensional mechanical systems |
MultiPhase | Library for electrical components of one or more phases |
PowerConverters | Library for rectifiers, inverters and DC/DC converters |
QuasiStationary | Library for quasi-stationary electrical singlephase and multiphase AC simulation |
Rotational | Library to model 1-dimensional, rotational mechanical systems |
SIunits | Library of type definitions based on SI units according to ISO 31-1992 |
Spice3 | Library for components of the Berkeley SPICE3 simulator |
StateGraph | Library to model discrete event and reactive systems by hierarchical state machines |
Translational | Library to model 1-dimensional, translational mechanical systems |
Utilities | Library of utility functions especially for scripting (Files, Streams, Strings, System) |
Name | Description |
Overview of Modelica Library | |
Connectors | |
Conventions | |
Parameter defaults | |
Release notes | |
Contact |