Utilities for controlled drives
This package contains utilities for controlled drives
Extends from Modelica.Icons.UtilitiesPackage (Icon for utility packages).
Name | Description |
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Partial controlled DC PM drive with H-bridge from battery |
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Parameters of a controlled DC permanent magnet drive |
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Limited PI-controller with anti-windup and feed-forward |
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Simple battery model |
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DC-DC inverter |
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Ideal DC-DC inverter |
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Switching DC-DC inverter |
Partial controlled DC PM drive with H-bridge from battery
This is a partial model of a controlled DC PM drive.
Electrical power is taken from a battery (constant voltage with inner resistance) and fed to the motor via a DC-DC inverter. The level of detail of the DC-DC inverter may be chosen from ideal averaging or switching. The DC-DC inverter is commanded by the current controller. The current controller is parameterized according to the absolute optimum.
Further reading: Tutorial at the Modelica Conference 2017
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).
Name | Description |
driveData |
Parameters of a controlled DC permanent magnet drive
Calculates controller parameters of a DC permanent magnet drive: Current controller according to absolute optimum, speed controller according to symmetric optimum.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).
Name | Description |
Motor | |
motorData | Motor data |
Ra | Armature resistance at nominal temperature [Ohm] |
Ta | Armature time constant [s] |
PNominal | Nominal mechanical output [W] |
tauNominal | Nominal torque [N.m] |
kPhi | Torque constant [N.m/A] |
w0 | No-load speed [rad/s] |
Load | |
JL | Load inertia [kg.m2] |
Inverter | |
Armature inverter | |
fS | Switching frequency [Hz] |
VBat | DC no-load voltage [V] |
Td | Dead time of inverter [s] |
Tmf | Measurement filter time constant [s] |
Tsigma | Sum of small time constants [s] |
Controller | |
Limits | |
VaMax | Maximum Voltage [V] |
IaMax | Maximum current [A] |
tauMax | Maximum torque [N.m] |
wMax | Maximum speed [rad/s] |
aMax | Maximum acceleration [rad/s2] |
Current controller | |
kpI | Proportional gain |
TiI | Integral time constant [s] |
Tsub | Substitute time constant [s] |
Speed controller | |
kpw | Proportional gain |
Tiw | Integral time constant [s] |
Tfw | Filter time constant [s] |
Position controller | |
kpP | Proportional gain |
Limited PI-controller with anti-windup and feed-forward
Proportional - Integral - controller with optional feed-forward and limitation at the output.
The integral part can be switched off to obtain a limited P-controller.
The feed-forward gain can either be constant or given by the optional input kFF.
When the output is limited, the controller cannot bring the control error to zero and the integrator will not stop integrating. To avoid this WindUp - effect, an Anti-WindUp loop is implemented: The difference between unlimited and limited output is fed back to the integrator's input.
Extends from Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).
Name | Description |
k | Gain [1] |
useI | PI else P |
Ti | Integral time constant (T>0 required) [s] |
Feed-forward | |
useFF | Use feed-forward? |
useConstantKFF | Use constant feed-forward factor? |
KFF | Feed-forward gain [1] |
Limitation | |
constantLimits | Use constant limits? |
symmetricLimits | Use symmetric limits? |
yMax | Upper limit of output |
yMin | Lower limit of output |
Initialization | |
initType | Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output) |
x_start | Initial or guess value of state |
y_start | Initial value of output |
Name | Description |
u | Connector of Real input signal |
y | Connector of Real output signal |
u_m | Connector of measured signal |
feedForward | Connector of feed-forward signal |
kFF | Connector of feed-forward factor |
yMaxVar | Connector of yMax input signal |
yMinVar | Connector of yMin input signal |
Simple battery model
This is a simple model of a DC-source resp. battery, consisting of a constant DC-voltage and an inner resistance.
Name | Description |
V0 | No-load voltage [V] |
INominal | Nominal current [A] |
Ri | Inner resistance [Ohm] |
Name | Description |
pin_p | |
pin_n |
DC-DC inverter
This is a model of a DC-DC inverter. The level of detail of the DC-DC inverter may be chosen from ideal averaging or switching.
Reference voltage is limited to actual battery voltage.
Battery voltage and motor current are measured.
Name | Description |
useIdealInverter | Use ideal averaging inverter, otherwise switching inverter |
fS | Switching frequency [Hz] |
Td | Dead time [s] |
Tmf | Measurement filter time constant [s] |
VMax | Maximum Voltage [V] |
Averaging | |
Ti | Time constant of integral power controller [s] |
Switching | |
RonT | Transistor closed resistance [Ohm] |
GoffT | Transistor opened conductance [S] |
VkneeT | Transistor threshold voltage [V] |
RonD | Diode closed resistance [Ohm] |
GoffD | Diode opened conductance [S] |
VkneeD | Diode threshold voltage [V] |
Name | Description |
pin_pBat | |
pin_nBat | |
pin_pMot | |
pin_nMot | |
vRef | |
vDC | |
iDC | |
vMot | |
iMot |
Ideal DC-DC inverter
This is a model of an ideal DC-DC inverter based on a power balance achieved by an integral controller.
Name | Description |
Td | Dead time [s] |
Ti | Time constant of integral power controller [s] |
Name | Description |
pin_nBat | |
pin_pBat | |
pin_nMot | |
pin_pMot | |
vRef |
Switching DC-DC inverter
This is a model of a switching DC-DC inverter based on a H-bridge.
Name | Description |
fS | Switching frequency [Hz] |
VMax | Maximum Voltage [V] |
RonT | Transistor closed resistance [Ohm] |
GoffT | Transistor opened conductance [S] |
VkneeT | Transistor threshold voltage [V] |
RonD | Diode closed resistance [Ohm] |
GoffD | Diode opened conductance [S] |
VkneeD | Diode threshold voltage [V] |
Name | Description |
pin_nBat | |
pin_pBat | |
pin_pMot | |
pin_nMot | |
vRef | |
vMax |