Package Modelica.​Blocks.​Math
Library of Real mathematical functions as input/output blocks


This package contains basic mathematical operations, such as summation and multiplication, and basic mathematical functions, such as sqrt and sin, as input/output blocks. All blocks of this library can be either connected with continuous blocks or with sampled-data blocks.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

AbsOutput the absolute value of the input
AcosOutput the arc cosine of the input
AddOutput the sum of the two inputs
Add3Output the sum of the three inputs
AsinOutput the arc sine of the input
AtanOutput the arc tangent of the input
Atan2Output atan(u1/u2) of the inputs u1 and u2
BooleanChangeIndicates Boolean signal changing
BooleanToIntegerConvert Boolean to Integer signal
BooleanToRealConvert Boolean to Real signal
ContinuousMeanCalculates the empirical expectation (mean) value of its input signal
CosOutput the cosine of the input
CoshOutput the hyperbolic cosine of the input
DivisionOutput first input divided by second input
EdgeIndicates rising edge of Boolean signal
ExpOutput the exponential (base e) of the input
FeedbackOutput difference between commanded and feedback input
GainOutput the product of a gain value with the input signal
HarmonicCalculate harmonic over period 1/f
IntegerChangeIndicates integer signal changing
IntegerToBooleanConvert Integer to Boolean signal
IntegerToRealConvert Integer to Real signals
InverseBlockConstraintsConstruct inverse model by requiring that two inputs and two outputs are identical
LinearDependencyOutput a linear combination of the two inputs
LogOutput the logarithm (default base e) of the input (input > 0 required)
Log10Output the base 10 logarithm of the input (input > 0 required)
MatrixGainOutput the product of a gain matrix with the input signal vector
MaxPass through the largest signal
MeanCalculate mean over period 1/f
MinPass through the smallest signal
MinMaxOutput the minimum and the maximum element of the input vector
MultiProductProduct of Reals: y = u[1]*u[2]* ... *u[n]
MultiSumSum of Reals: y = k[1]*u[1] + k[2]*u[2] + ... + k[n]*u[n]
MultiSwitchSet Real expression that is associated with the first active input signal
PolarToRectangularConvert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates
PowerOutput the power to a base of the input
ProductOutput product of the two inputs
PythagorasDetermines the hypotenuse or leg of a right triangle
RealFFTSampling and FFT of input u
RealToBooleanConvert Real to Boolean signal
RealToIntegerConvert Real to Integer signal
RectangularToPolarConvert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates
RectifiedMeanCalculate rectified mean over period 1/f
RootMeanSquareCalculate root mean square over period 1/f
SignOutput the sign of the input
SinOutput the sine of the input
SinhOutput the hyperbolic sine of the input
SqrtOutput the square root of the input (input >= 0 required)
StandardDeviationCalculates the empirical standard deviation of its input signal
SumOutput the sum of the elements of the input vector
TanOutput the tangent of the input
TanhOutput the hyperbolic tangent of the input
TotalHarmonicDistortionOutput the total harmonic distortion (THD)
UnitConversionsConversion blocks to convert between SI and non-SI unit signals
VarianceCalculates the empirical variance of its input signal
WrapAngleWrap angle to interval ]-pi,pi] or [0,2*pi[

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​InverseBlockConstraints
Construct inverse model by requiring that two inputs and two outputs are identical


Exchange input and output signals of a block, i.e., the previous block inputs become block outputs and the previous block outputs become block inputs. This block is used to construct inverse models. Its usage is demonstrated in example: Modelica.Blocks.Examples.InverseModel.

Note, if a block shall be inverted that has several input and output blocks, then this can be easily achieved by using a vector of InverseBlockConstraints instances:

   InverseBlockConstraint invert[3];  // Block to be inverted has 3 input signals


input RealInputu1Input signal 1 (u1 = u2)
input RealInputu2Input signal 2 (u1 = u2)
output RealOutputy1Output signal 1 (y1 = y2)
output RealOutputy2Output signal 2 (y1 = y2)

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Gain
Output the product of a gain value with the input signal


This block computes output y as product of gain k with the input u:

    y = k * u;


Realk Gain value multiplied with input signal


input RealInputuInput signal connector
output RealOutputyOutput signal connector

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​MatrixGain
Output the product of a gain matrix with the input signal vector


This blocks computes output vector y as product of the gain matrix K with the input signal vector u:

    y = K * u;


   parameter: K = [0.12 2; 3 1.5]

   results in the following equations:

     | y[1] |     | 0.12  2.00 |   | u[1] |
     |      |  =  |            | * |      |
     | y[2] |     | 3.00  1.50 |   | u[2] |

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output continuous control block).


RealK[:,:][1,0; 0,1]Gain matrix which is multiplied with the input
final Integerninsize(K, 2)Number of inputs
final Integernoutsize(K, 1)Number of outputs


input RealInputu[nin]Connector of Real input signals
output RealOutputy[nout]Connector of Real output signals

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​MultiSum
Sum of Reals: y = k[1]*u[1] + k[2]*u[2] + ... + k[n]*u[n]


This blocks computes the scalar Real output "y" as sum of the elements of the Real input signal vector u:

y = k[1]*u[1] + k[2]*u[2] + ... k[N]*u[N];

The input connector is a vector of Real input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.RealNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to zero: y=0.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialRealMISO (Partial block with a RealVectorInput and a RealOutput signal).


IntegersignificantDigits3Number of significant digits to be shown in dynamic diagram layer for y
Integernu0Number of input connections
Realk[nu]fill(1, nu)Input gains


input RealVectorInputu[nu] 
output RealOutputy 

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​MultiProduct
Product of Reals: y = u[1]*u[2]* ... *u[n]


This blocks computes the scalar Real output "y" as product of the elements of the Real input signal vector u:

y = u[1]*u[2]* ... *u[N];

The input connector is a vector of Real input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.RealNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to zero: y=0.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialRealMISO (Partial block with a RealVectorInput and a RealOutput signal).


IntegersignificantDigits3Number of significant digits to be shown in dynamic diagram layer for y
Integernu0Number of input connections


input RealVectorInputu[nu] 
output RealOutputy 

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​MultiSwitch
Set Real expression that is associated with the first active input signal


This block has a vector of Boolean input signals u[nu] and a vector of (time varying) Real expressions expr[nu]. The output signal y is set to expr[i], if i is the first element in the input vector u that is true. If all input signals are false, y is set to parameter "y_default".

  // Conceptual equation (not valid Modelica)
  i = 'first element of u[:] that is true';
  y = if i==0 then y_default else expr[i];

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.RealNetwork1.


Realy_default0Default value of output y if all u[i] = false
Integernu0Number of input connections
Integerprecision3Number of significant digits to be shown in dynamic diagram layer for y


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Set y = expr[i], if u[i] = true
output RealOutputyOutput depending on expression

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Sum
Output the sum of the elements of the input vector


This blocks computes output y as sum of the elements of the input signal vector u:

    y = u[1] + u[2] + ...;


     parameter:   nin = 3;

  results in the following equations:

     y = u[1] + u[2] + u[3];

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​MISO (Multiple Input Single Output continuous control block).


Integernin1Number of inputs
Realk[nin]ones(nin)Optional: sum coefficients


input RealInputu[nin]Connector of Real input signals
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Feedback
Output difference between commanded and feedback input


This blocks computes output y as difference of the commanded input u1 and the feedback input u2:

    y = u1 - u2;


     parameter:   n = 2

  results in the following equations:

     y = u1 - u2


input RealInputu1 
input RealInputu2 
output RealOutputy 

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Add
Output the sum of the two inputs


This blocks computes output y as sum of the two input signals u1 and u2:

    y = k1*u1 + k2*u2;


     parameter:   k1= +2, k2= -3

  results in the following equations:

     y = 2 * u1 - 3 * u2

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


Realk11Gain of input signal 1
Realk21Gain of input signal 2


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Add3
Output the sum of the three inputs


This blocks computes output y as sum of the three input signals u1, u2 and u3:

    y = k1*u1 + k2*u2 + k3*u3;


     parameter:   k1= +2, k2= -3, k3=1;

  results in the following equations:

     y = 2 * u1 - 3 * u2 + u3;

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


Realk11Gain of input signal 1
Realk21Gain of input signal 2
Realk31Gain of input signal 3


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
input RealInputu3Connector of Real input signal 3
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Product
Output product of the two inputs


This blocks computes the output y as product of the two inputs u1 and u2:

    y = u1 * u2;

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Division
Output first input divided by second input


This block computes the output y by dividing the two inputs u1 and u2:

    y = u1 / u2;

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Abs
Output the absolute value of the input


This blocks computes the output y as absolute value of the input u:

    y = abs( u );

The Boolean parameter generateEvent decides whether Events are generated at zero crossing (Modelica specification before 3) or not.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


BooleangenerateEventfalseChoose whether events shall be generated


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Sign
Output the sign of the input


This blocks computes the output y as sign of the input u:

         1  if u > 0
    y =  0  if u == 0
        -1  if u < 0

The Boolean parameter generateEvent decides whether Events are generated at zero crossing (Modelica specification before 3) or not.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


BooleangenerateEventfalseChoose whether events shall be generated


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Sqrt
Output the square root of the input (input >= 0 required)


This blocks computes the output y as square root of the input u:

    y = sqrt( u );

The input shall be zero or positive. Otherwise an error occurs.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Sin
Output the sine of the input


This blocks computes the output y as sine of the input u:

    y = sin( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Cos
Output the cosine of the input


This blocks computes the output y as cos of the input u:

    y = cos( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Tan
Output the tangent of the input


This blocks computes the output y as tan of the input u:

    y = tan( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Asin
Output the arc sine of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the sine-inverse of the input u:

    y = asin( u );

The absolute value of the input u need to be less or equal to one (abs( u ) <= 1). Otherwise an error occurs.


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Acos
Output the arc cosine of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the cosine-inverse of the input u:

    y = acos( u );

The absolute value of the input u need to be less or equal to one (abs( u ) <= 1). Otherwise an error occurs.


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Atan
Output the arc tangent of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the tangent-inverse of the input u:

    y= atan( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Atan2
Output atan(u1/u2) of the inputs u1 and u2


This blocks computes the output y as the tangent-inverse of the input u1 divided by input u2:

    y = atan2( u1, u2 );

u1 and u2 shall not be zero at the same time instant. Atan2 uses the sign of u1 and u2 in order to construct the solution in the range -180 deg ≤ y ≤ 180 deg, whereas block Atan gives a solution in the range -90 deg ≤ y ≤ 90 deg.


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Sinh
Output the hyperbolic sine of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the hyperbolic sine of the input u:

    y = sinh( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Cosh
Output the hyperbolic cosine of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the hyperbolic cosine of the input u:

    y = cosh( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Tanh
Output the hyperbolic tangent of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the hyperbolic tangent of the input u:

    y = tanh( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Exp
Output the exponential (base e) of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the exponential (of base e) of the input u:

    y = exp( u );


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Power
Output the power to a base of the input


This blocks computes the output y as the power to the parameter base of the input u. If the boolean parameter useExp is true, the output is determined by:

    y = exp ( u * log (base) )


    y = base ^ u;

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


RealbaseModelica.​Constants.​eBase of power
BooleanuseExptrueUse exp function in implementation


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Log
Output the logarithm (default base e) of the input (input > 0 required)


This blocks computes the output y as the logarithm to the parameter base of the input u:

    y = log( u ) / log( base );

An error occurs if the input u is zero or negative.


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


RealbaseModelica.​Constants.​eBase of logarithm


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Log10
Output the base 10 logarithm of the input (input > 0 required)


This blocks computes the output y as the base 10 logarithm of the input u:

    y = log10( u );

An error occurs if the input u is zero or negative.


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​WrapAngle
Wrap angle to interval ]-pi,pi] or [0,2*pi[


This blocks wraps the input angle into the interval ]-pi,pi], if positiveRange == false. Otherwise the input angle u is wrapped to the interval [0,2*pi[.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


BooleanpositiveRangefalseUse only positive output range, if true


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​RealToInteger
Convert Real to Integer signal


This block computes the output y as nearest integer value of the input u:

    y = integer( floor( u + 0.5 ) )  for  u > 0;
    y = integer( ceil ( u - 0.5 ) )  for  u < 0;

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​IntegerBlock (Basic graphical layout of Integer block).


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output IntegerOutputyConnector of Integer output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​IntegerToReal
Convert Integer to Real signals


This block computes the output y as Real equivalent of the Integer input u:

    y = u;

where u is of Integer and y of Real type.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


input IntegerInputuConnector of Integer input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​BooleanToReal
Convert Boolean to Real signal


This block computes the output y as Real equivalent of the Boolean input u:

    y = if u then realTrue else realFalse;

where u is of Boolean and y of Real type, and realTrue and realFalse are parameters.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​partialBooleanSI (Partial block with 1 input Boolean signal).


RealrealTrue1Output signal for true Boolean input
RealrealFalse0Output signal for false Boolean input


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​BooleanToInteger
Convert Boolean to Integer signal


This block computes the output y as Integer equivalent of the Boolean input u:

    y = if u then integerTrue else integerFalse;

where u is of Boolean and y of Integer type, and integerTrue and integerFalse are parameters.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​partialBooleanSI (Partial block with 1 input Boolean signal).


IntegerintegerTrue1Output signal for true Boolean input
IntegerintegerFalse0Output signal for false Boolean input


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output IntegerOutputyConnector of Integer output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​RealToBoolean
Convert Real to Boolean signal


This block computes the Boolean output y from the Real input u by the equation:

    y = u ≥ threshold;

where threshold is a parameter.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​partialBooleanSO (Partial block with 1 output Boolean signal).


Realthreshold0.5Output signal y is true, if input u >= threshold


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​IntegerToBoolean
Convert Integer to Boolean signal


This block computes the Boolean output y from the Integer input u by the equation:

    y = u ≥ threshold;

where threshold is a parameter.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​partialBooleanSO (Partial block with 1 output Boolean signal).


Integerthreshold1Output signal y is true, if input u >= threshold


input IntegerInputuConnector of Integer input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​RectangularToPolar
Convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates


The input values of this block are the rectangular components u_re and u_im of a phasor in two dimensions. This block calculates the length y_abs and the angle y_arg of the polar representation of this phasor.

  y_abs = abs(u_re + j*u_im) = sqrt( u_re2 + u_im2 )
  y_arg = arg(u_re + j*u_im) = atan2(u_im, u_re)

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


input RealInputu_reReal part of rectangular representation
input RealInputu_imImaginary part of rectangular representation
output RealOutputy_absLength of polar representation
output RealOutputy_argAngle of polar representation

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​PolarToRectangular
Convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates


The input values of this block are the polar components uabs and uarg of a phasor. This block calculates the components y_re and y_im of the rectangular representation of this phasor.

   y_re = u_abs * cos( u_arg )
   y_im = u_abs * sin( u_arg )

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


input RealInputu_absLength of polar representation
input RealInputu_argAngle of polar representation
output RealOutputy_reReal part of rectangular representation
output RealOutputy_imImaginary part of rectangular representation

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Mean
Calculate mean over period 1/f


This block calculates the mean of the input signal u over the given period 1/f:

1 T
- ∫ u(t) dt
T 0

Note: The output is updated after each period defined by 1/f.

If parameter yGreaterOrEqualZero in the Advanced tab is true (default = false), then the modeller provides the information that the mean of the input signal is guaranteed to be ≥ 0 for the exact solution. However, due to inaccuracies in the numerical integration scheme, the output might be slightly negative. If this parameter is set to true, then the output is explicitly set to 0.0, if the mean value results in a negative value.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Frequencyf Base frequency
Realx00Start value of integrator state
BooleanyGreaterOrEqualZerofalse=true, if output y is guaranteed to be >= 0 for the exact solution


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​RectifiedMean
Calculate rectified mean over period 1/f


This block calculates the rectified mean of the input signal u over the given period 1/f, using the mean block.

Note: The output is updated after each period defined by 1/f.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Frequencyf Base frequency
Realx00Start value of integrator state


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​ContinuousMean
Calculates the empirical expectation (mean) value of its input signal


This block continuously calculates the mean value of its input signal. It uses the function:

    integral( u over time)
y = ----------------------
      time - startTime

This can be used to determine the empirical expectation value of a random signal, such as generated by the Noise blocks.

The parameter t_eps is used to guard against division by zero (the mean value computation starts at <simulation start time> + t_eps and before that time instant y = u).

See also the Mean block for a sampled implementation.

This block is demonstrated in the examples UniformNoiseProperties and NormalNoiseProperties.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


Timet_eps1e-7Mean value calculation starts at startTime + t_eps


input RealInputuNoisy input signal
output RealOutputyExpectation (mean) value of the input signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​RootMeanSquare
Calculate root mean square over period 1/f


This block calculates the root mean square of the input signal u over the given period 1/f, using the mean block.

Note: The output is updated after each period defined by 1/f.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Frequencyf Base frequency
Realx00Start value of integrator state


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Variance
Calculates the empirical variance of its input signal


This block calculates the empirical variance of its input signal. It is based on the formula (but implemented in a more reliable numerical way):

y = mean(  (u - mean(u))^2  )

The parameter t_eps is used to guard against division by zero (the variance computation starts at <simulation start time> + t_eps and before that time instant y = 0).

The variance of a signal is also equal to its mean power.

This block is demonstrated in the examples UniformNoiseProperties and NormalNoiseProperties.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


Timet_eps1e-7Variance calculation starts at startTime + t_eps


input RealInputuNoisy input signal
output RealOutputyVariance of the input signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​StandardDeviation
Calculates the empirical standard deviation of its input signal


This block calculates the standard deviation of its input signal. The standard deviation is the square root of the signal's variance:

y = sqrt( variance(u) )

The Variance block is used to calculate variance(u).

The parameter t_eps is used to guard against division by zero (the computation of the standard deviation starts at <simulation start time> + t_eps and before that time instant y = 0).

This block is demonstrated in the examples UniformNoiseProperties and NormalNoiseProperties.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


Timet_eps1e-7Standard deviation calculation starts at startTime + t_eps


input RealInputuNoisy input signal
output RealOutputyStandard deviation of the input signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Harmonic
Calculate harmonic over period 1/f


This block calculates the root mean square and the phase angle of a single harmonic k of the input signal u over the given period 1/f, using the mean block.

Note: The output is updated after each period defined by 1/f.

The harmonic is defined by √2 rms cos(k 2 π f t - arg) if useConjugateComplex=false (default)
The harmonic is defined by √2 rms cos(k 2 π f t + arg) if useConjugateComplex=true

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


Frequencyf Base frequency
Integerk Order of harmonic
BooleanuseConjugateComplexfalseGives conjugate complex result if true
Realx0Cos0Start value of cos integrator state
Realx0Sin0Start value of sin integrator state


input RealInputu 
output RealOutputy_rmsRoot mean square of polar representation
output RealOutputy_argAngle of polar representation

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​TotalHarmonicDistortion
Output the total harmonic distortion (THD)


This block determines the total harmonic distortion (THD) over the given period 1/f. Consider that the input u consists of harmonic RMS components U1, U2, U3, etc. The total RMS component is then determined by:

The calculation of the total harmonic distortion is based on the parameter useFirstHarmonic. The default value useFirstHarmonic = true represents the standard THD calculation used in electrical engineering. The non-default value useFirstHarmonic = false calculates the THD typically used for the assessment of audio signals.

If useFirstHarmonic = true, the total higher harmonic content (harmonic order numbers > 1) refers to the RMS value of the fundamental wave:

If useFirstHarmonic = false, the total higher harmonic content (harmonic order numbers > 1) refers to the total RMS:

In case of a zero input signal or within the first period of calculation, the boolean output signal valid becomes false to indicate that the calculation result is not valid. Valid calculations are indicated by valid = true.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SISO (Single Input Single Output continuous control block).


Frequencyf Base frequency
BooleanuseFirstHarmonictrueTHD with respect to first harmonic, if true; otherwise with respect to total RMS


input RealInputuConnector of Real input signal
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal
output BooleanOutputvalidTrue, if output y is valid

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​RealFFT
Sampling and FFT of input u


This block samples the input signal, calculates the Fast Fourier Transform by function Math.realFFT, and (when simulation terminates) writes the output to result file resultFileName by function Math.realFFTwriteToFile.

The number of sampling points as well as the samplePeriod is calculated from desired maximum frequency f_max and frequency resolution f_res.


The user has to take care that enough points can be sampled before the simulation ends: startTime + (ns - 1)*samplePeriod <= stopTime.

The result file is written as mat, first column = frequency, second column = amplitudes, third column = phases. The frequency points are separated by rows with amplitude and phase = 0, so one can plot the result directly as frequency lines.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​DiscreteBlock (Base class of discrete control blocks).


final TimesamplePeriod(2 * f_res * div(ns, 2)) ^ (-1)Sample period of component
TimestartTime0First sample time instant
Frequencyf_max Maximum frequency of interest
Frequencyf_res Frequency resolution
final IntegernsModelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.realFFTsamplePoints(f_max, f_res, f_max_factor = 5)Number of samples
final Integernfmax(1, min(integer(ceil(f_max / f_res)) + 1, div(ns, 2)))Number of frequency points
StringresultFileName"realFFT.mat"Result file: f, abs, arg


input RealInputu 

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Pythagoras
Determines the hypotenuse or leg of a right triangle


This block determines the hypotenuse y = sqrt(u1^2 + u2^2) if the boolean parameter u1IsHyotenuse = false. In this case the two inputs u1 and u2 are interpreted as the legs of a right triangle and the boolean output valid is always equal to true.

If u1IsHyotenuse = true, input u1 is interpreted as hypotenuse and u2 is one of the two legs of a right triangle. Then, the other of the two legs of the right triangle is the output, determined by y = sqrt(u1^2 - u2^2), if u1^2 - u2^2 ≥ 0; in this case the boolean output valid is equal to true. In case of u1^2 - u2^2 < 0, the output y = 0 and valid is set to false.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


Booleanu1IsHypotenusefalseIf true, u1 is the hypotenuse and y is one leg


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal
output BooleanOutputvalidIs true, if y is a valid result

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Max
Pass through the largest signal


This block computes the output y as maximum of the two Real inputs u1 and u2:

    y = max ( u1 , u2 );

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Min
Pass through the smallest signal


This block computes the output y as minimum of the two Real inputs u1 and u2:

    y = min ( u1 , u2 );

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​MinMax
Output the minimum and the maximum element of the input vector


Determines the minimum and maximum element of the input vector and provide both values as output.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


Integernu0Number of input connections


input RealVectorInputu[nu] 
output RealOutputyMax 
output RealOutputyMin 

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​LinearDependency
Output a linear combination of the two inputs


Determine the linear combination of the two inputs: y = y0*(1 + k1*u1 + k2*u2)

Note, for y0=0 the output is always zero.

To improve the implementation, the formula will be changed (non-backwards compatible) in the future: y = y0 + k1*u1 + k2*u2

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​SI2SO (2 Single Input / 1 Single Output continuous control block).


Realy00Initial value
Realk10u1 dependency
Realk20u2 dependency


input RealInputu1Connector of Real input signal 1
input RealInputu2Connector of Real input signal 2
output RealOutputyConnector of Real output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​Edge
Indicates rising edge of Boolean signal


This block sets the Boolean output y to true, when the Boolean input u shows a rising edge:

    y = edge( u );

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​BooleanSISO (Single Input Single Output control block with signals of type Boolean).


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​BooleanChange
Indicates Boolean signal changing


This block sets the Boolean output y to true, when the Boolean input u shows a rising or falling edge, i.e., when the signal changes:

    y = change( u );

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​BooleanSISO (Single Input Single Output control block with signals of type Boolean).


input BooleanInputuConnector of Boolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​Math.​IntegerChange
Indicates integer signal changing


This block sets the Boolean output y to true, when the Integer input u changes:

    y = change( u );

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​IntegerSIBooleanSO (Integer Input Boolean Output continuous control block).


input IntegerInputuConnector of Integer input signal
output BooleanOutputyConnector of Boolean output signal

Generated 2018-12-12 12:09:56 EST by MapleSim.