Package Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean
Library of Boolean mathematical functions as input/output blocks


This package contains basic mathematical operations on Boolean signals.

The new features are:

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

AndLogical 'and': y = u[1] and u[2] and ... and u[nu]
ChangingEdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has either a rising or a falling edge and otherwise it is false (y=change(u))
FallingEdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has a falling edge, otherwise it is false (y = edge(not u))
MultiSwitchSet Boolean expression that is associated with the first active input signal
NandLogical 'nand': y = not ( u[1] and u[2] and ... and u[nu] )
NorLogical 'nor': y = not ( u[1] or u[2] or ... or u[nu] )
NotLogical 'not': y = not u
OnDelayDelay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge.
OrLogical 'or': y = u[1] or u[2] or ... or u[nu]
RisingEdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has a rising edge, otherwise it is false (y = edge(u))
XorLogical 'xor': y = oneTrue(u) (y is true, if exactly one element of u is true, otherwise it is false)

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​MultiSwitch
Set Boolean expression that is associated with the first active input signal


The block has a vector of Boolean input signals u[nu] and a vector of (time varying) Boolean expressions expr[:]. The output signal y is set to expr[i], if i is the first element in the input vector u that is true. If all input signals are false, y is set to parameter "y_default" or the previous value of y is kept if parameter use_pre_as_default = true:

  // Conceptual equation (not valid Modelica)
  i = 'first element of u[:] that is true';
  y = if i==0 then (if use_pre_as_default then pre(y)
                                          else y_default)
      else expr[i];

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.


Booleanuse_pre_as_defaulttrueset true to hold last value as default (y_default = pre(y))
Booleany_defaultfalseDefault value of output y if all u[i] = false
Integernu0Number of input connections


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Set y = expr[i], if u[i] = true
output BooleanOutputyOutput depending on expression

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​And
Logical 'and': y = u[1] and u[2] and ... and u[nu]


The output is true if all inputs are true, otherwise the output is false.

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to false: y=false.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanMISO (Partial block with a BooleanVectorInput and a BooleanOutput signal).


Integernu0Number of input connections


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Vector of Boolean input signals
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​Or
Logical 'or': y = u[1] or u[2] or ... or u[nu]


The output is true if at least one input is true, otherwise the output is false.

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to false: y=false.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanMISO (Partial block with a BooleanVectorInput and a BooleanOutput signal).


Integernu0Number of input connections


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Vector of Boolean input signals
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​Xor
Logical 'xor': y = oneTrue(u) (y is true, if exactly one element of u is true, otherwise it is false)


The output is true if exactly one input is true, otherwise the output is false.

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to false: y=false.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanMISO (Partial block with a BooleanVectorInput and a BooleanOutput signal).


Integernu0Number of input connections


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Vector of Boolean input signals
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​Nand
Logical 'nand': y = not ( u[1] and u[2] and ... and u[nu] )


The output is true if at least one input is false, otherwise the output is false.

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to false: y=false.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanMISO (Partial block with a BooleanVectorInput and a BooleanOutput signal).


Integernu0Number of input connections


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Vector of Boolean input signals
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​Nor
Logical 'nor': y = not ( u[1] or u[2] or ... or u[nu] )


The output is false if at least one input is true, otherwise the output is true.

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to false: y=false.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanMISO (Partial block with a BooleanVectorInput and a BooleanOutput signal).


Integernu0Number of input connections


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Vector of Boolean input signals
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​Not
Logical 'not': y = not u


The output is false if at least one input is true, otherwise the output is true.

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanSISO_small (Partial block with a BooleanInput and a BooleanOutput signal and a small block icon).


input BooleanInputuBoolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​RisingEdge
Output y is true, if the input u has a rising edge, otherwise it is false (y = edge(u))


A rising edge of the Boolean input u results in y = true at this time instant. At all other time instants, y = false.

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanSISO_small (Partial block with a BooleanInput and a BooleanOutput signal and a small block icon).


Booleanpre_u_startfalseValue of pre(u) at initial time


input BooleanInputuBoolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​FallingEdge
Output y is true, if the input u has a falling edge, otherwise it is false (y = edge(not u))


A falling edge of the Boolean input u results in y = true at this time instant. At all other time instants, y = false.

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanSISO_small (Partial block with a BooleanInput and a BooleanOutput signal and a small block icon).


Booleanpre_u_startfalseValue of pre(u) at initial time


input BooleanInputuBoolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​ChangingEdge
Output y is true, if the input u has either a rising or a falling edge and otherwise it is false (y=change(u))


A changing edge, i.e., either rising or falling, of the Boolean input u results in y = true at this time instant. At all other time instants, y = false.

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanSISO_small (Partial block with a BooleanInput and a BooleanOutput signal and a small block icon).


Booleanpre_u_startfalseValue of pre(u) at initial time


input BooleanInputuBoolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathBoolean.​OnDelay
Delay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge.


A rising edge of the Boolean input u gives a delayed output. A falling edge of the input is immediately given to the output.

Simulation results of a typical example with a delay time of 0.1 s is shown in the next figure.


The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialBooleanSISO_small (Partial block with a BooleanInput and a BooleanOutput signal and a small block icon).


TimedelayTime Delay time


input BooleanInputuBoolean input signal
output BooleanOutputyBoolean output signal

Generated 2018-12-12 12:09:56 EST by MapleSim.