Package Modelica.​Blocks.​MathInteger
Library of Integer mathematical functions as input/output blocks


This package contains basic mathematical operations on Integer signals.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

MultiSwitchSet Integer expression that is associated with the first active input signal
ProductProduct of Integer: y = u[1]*u[2]* ... *u[n]
SumSum of Integers: y = k[1]*u[1] + k[2]*u[2] + ... + k[n]*u[n]
TriggeredAddAdd input to previous value of output, if rising edge of trigger port

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathInteger.​MultiSwitch
Set Integer expression that is associated with the first active input signal


This block has a vector of Boolean input signals u[nu] and a vector of (time varying) Integer expressions expr[nu]. The output signal y is set to expr[i], if i is the first element in the input vector u that is true. If all input signals are false, y is set to parameter "y_default" or the last value is kept, if use_pre_as_default = true.

  // Conceptual equation (not valid Modelica)
  i = 'first element of u[:] that is true';
  y = if i==0 then (if use_pre_as_default then pre(y)
                                          else y_default)
      else expr[i];

The input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.IntegerNetwork1.


Integery_default0Default value of output y if use_pre_as_default=false, as well as pre(y) at initial time
Booleanuse_pre_as_defaulttrue= true, y holds its last value if all u[i]=false, otherwise y=y_default
Integernu0Number of input connections


input BooleanVectorInputu[nu]Set y = expr[i], if u[i] = true
output IntegerOutputyOutput depending on expression

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathInteger.​Sum
Sum of Integers: y = k[1]*u[1] + k[2]*u[2] + ... + k[n]*u[n]


This blocks computes the scalar Integer output "y" as sum of the elements of the Integer input signal vector u:

y = k[1]*u[1] + k[2]*u[2] + ... k[N]*u[N];

The input connector is a vector of Integer input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.IntegerNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to zero: y=0.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialIntegerMISO (Partial block with an IntegerVectorInput and an IntegerOutput signal).


Integernu0Number of input connections
Integerk[nu]fill(1, nu)Input gains


input IntegerVectorInputu[nu]Vector of Integer input signals
output IntegerOutputyInteger output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathInteger.​Product
Product of Integer: y = u[1]*u[2]* ... *u[n]


This blocks computes the scalar Integer output "y" as product of the elements of the Integer input signal vector u:

y = u[1]*u[2]* ... *u[N];

The input connector is a vector of Integer input signals. When a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input vector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically connected to this new free index (thanks to the connectorSizing annotation).

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.IntegerNetwork1.

If no connection to the input connector "u" is present, the output is set to zero: y=0.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialIntegerMISO (Partial block with an IntegerVectorInput and an IntegerOutput signal).


Integernu0Number of input connections


input IntegerVectorInputu[nu]Vector of Integer input signals
output IntegerOutputyInteger output signal

Block Modelica.​Blocks.​MathInteger.​TriggeredAdd
Add input to previous value of output, if rising edge of trigger port


Add input to previous value of output, if rising edge of trigger port

This block has one Integer input "u", one Boolean input "trigger", an optional Boolean input "reset", an optional Integer input "set", and an Integer output "y". The optional inputs can be activated with the "use_reset" and "use_set" flags, respectively.

The input "u" is added to the previous value of the output "y" if the "trigger" port has a rising edge. At the start of the simulation "y = y_start".

If the "reset" port is enabled, then the output "y" is reset to "set" or to "y_start" (if the "set" port is not enabled), whenever the "reset" port has a rising edge.

The usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example Modelica.Blocks.Examples.IntegerNetwork1.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​PartialIntegerSISO (Partial block with a IntegerInput and an IntegerOutput signal).


Booleanuse_resetfalse=true, if reset port enabled
Booleanuse_setfalse=true, if set port enabled and used as default value when reset
Integery_start0Initial and reset value of y if set port is not used


input IntegerInputuInteger input signal
output IntegerOutputyInteger output signal
input BooleanInputtrigger 
input BooleanInputreset 
input IntegerInputset 

Generated 2018-12-12 12:09:56 EST by MapleSim.