Package Modelica.​Electrical.​PowerConverters.​DCAC.​Control
Control components for DC to AC converters


Currently there are only threephase PWM implemented (not multiphase).

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

IntersectivePWMIntersective PWM
SVPWMSpaceVector Pulse Width Modulation

Block Modelica.​Electrical.​PowerConverters.​DCAC.​Control.​PWM


Let the user choose the PWM type from:

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


PWMTypepwmTypeModelica.​Electrical.​PowerConverters.​Types.​PWMType.​SVPWMPWM Type
Frequencyf Switching frequency
TimestartTime0Start time of PWM
RealuMax Maximum amplitude of signal
ReferenceTyperefTypeModelica.​Electrical.​PowerConverters.​Types.​ReferenceType.​Triangle3Type of reference signal


input RealInputu[2]Reference space phasor
output BooleanOutputfire_p[m]positive fire signal
output BooleanOutputfire_n[m]negative fire signal

Block Modelica.​Electrical.​PowerConverters.​DCAC.​Control.​SVPWM
SpaceVector Pulse Width Modulation


For a threephase system, 8 space vectors are available according to the following switching patterns:

Vector 1..6 form a hexagon, vector 0 and 7 are of length 0.

First, the space vector is limited, and the sector of the hexagon is determined where the input space vector u is located; then the angle of the space vector within this sector 0≤φ<60° is calculated.

The input space vector is averaged by u = ta*ua + tb*ub + t0*0, where ua is the space vector at the left border of the sector and ub is the space vector at the right border of the sector. If necessary, a zero length vector is applied additionally.

The relative time spans for averaging over one switching period are determined by the following equations:

To obtain the positive fire signal, the switching time spans are distributed symmetrically: t0/4 + ta/2 + tb/2 +t0/2 + tb/2 + ta/2 + t0/4

The switching pattern of the negative fire signal is just the inverse of the positive fire signal.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Interfaces.​DiscreteBlock (Base class of discrete control blocks).


Frequencyf Switching frequency
final TimesamplePeriodf ^ (-1)Sample period of component
TimestartTime0First sample time instant
RealuMax Maximum length of space vector = half diagonal of hexagon


input RealInputu[2]Reference space phasor
output BooleanOutputfire_p[m]positive fire signal
output BooleanOutputfire_n[m]negative fire signal

Block Modelica.​Electrical.​PowerConverters.​DCAC.​Control.​IntersectivePWM
Intersective PWM


The intersective PWM transforms the input space phasor u to the three phase voltages, and compares them with the reference signals. As long as the phase voltage is greater than the corresponding reference signal, the corresponding fire signal is true. The switching pattern of the negative fire signal is just the inverse of the positive fire signal.

The user can choose from 4 different reference signals:

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


Frequencyf Switching frequency
TimestartTime0Start time of PWM
RealuMax Maximum amplitude of signal
ReferenceTyperefTypeModelica.​Electrical.​PowerConverters.​Types.​ReferenceType.​Triangle3Type of reference signal


input RealInputu[2]Reference space phasor
output BooleanOutputfire_p[m]positive fire signal
output BooleanOutputfire_n[m]negative fire signal

Generated 2018-12-12 12:10:21 EST by MapleSim.