Package Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer
Heat transfer for flow models


Heat transfer correlations for pipe models

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

ConstantFlowHeatTransferConstantHeatTransfer: Constant heat transfer coefficient
IdealFlowHeatTransferIdealHeatTransfer: Ideal heat transfer without thermal resistance
LocalPipeFlowHeatTransferLocalPipeFlowHeatTransfer: Laminar and turbulent forced convection in pipes, local coefficients
PartialFlowHeatTransferbase class for any pipe heat transfer correlation
PartialPipeFlowHeatTransferBase class for pipe heat transfer correlation in terms of Nusselt number heat transfer in a circular pipe for laminar and turbulent one-phase flow

Partial Model Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​PartialFlowHeatTransfer
base class for any pipe heat transfer correlation


Base class for heat transfer models of flow devices.

The geometry is specified in the interface with the surfaceAreas[n], the roughnesses[n] and the lengths[n] along the flow path. Moreover the fluid flow is characterized for different types of devices by the characteristic dimensions[n+1] and the average velocities vs[n+1] of fluid flow. See Pipes.BaseClasses.CharacteristicNumbers.ReynoldsNumber for example definitions.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Interfaces.​PartialHeatTransfer (Common interface for heat transfer models).


Integern1Number of heat transfer segments
Booleanuse_kfalse= true to use k value for thermal isolation
CoefficientOfHeatTransferk0Heat transfer coefficient to ambient
TemperatureT_ambientsystem.​T_ambientAmbient temperature
RealnParallel number of identical parallel flow devices


HeatPorts_aheatPorts[n]Heat port to component boundary

Model Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​IdealFlowHeatTransfer
IdealHeatTransfer: Ideal heat transfer without thermal resistance


Ideal heat transfer without thermal resistance.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​PartialFlowHeatTransfer (base class for any pipe heat transfer correlation).


Integern1Number of heat transfer segments
Booleanuse_kfalse= true to use k value for thermal isolation
CoefficientOfHeatTransferk0Heat transfer coefficient to ambient
TemperatureT_ambientsystem.​T_ambientAmbient temperature
RealnParallel number of identical parallel flow devices


HeatPorts_aheatPorts[n]Heat port to component boundary

Model Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​ConstantFlowHeatTransfer
ConstantHeatTransfer: Constant heat transfer coefficient


Simple heat transfer correlation with constant heat transfer coefficient, used as default component in distributed pipe models.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​PartialFlowHeatTransfer (base class for any pipe heat transfer correlation).


Integern1Number of heat transfer segments
Booleanuse_kfalse= true to use k value for thermal isolation
CoefficientOfHeatTransferk0Heat transfer coefficient to ambient
TemperatureT_ambientsystem.​T_ambientAmbient temperature
RealnParallel number of identical parallel flow devices
CoefficientOfHeatTransferalpha0 heat transfer coefficient


HeatPorts_aheatPorts[n]Heat port to component boundary

Partial Model Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​PartialPipeFlowHeatTransfer
Base class for pipe heat transfer correlation in terms of Nusselt number heat transfer in a circular pipe for laminar and turbulent one-phase flow


Base class for heat transfer models that are expressed in terms of the Nusselt number and which can be used in distributed pipe models.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​PartialFlowHeatTransfer (base class for any pipe heat transfer correlation).


Integern1Number of heat transfer segments
Booleanuse_kfalse= true to use k value for thermal isolation
CoefficientOfHeatTransferk0Heat transfer coefficient to ambient
TemperatureT_ambientsystem.​T_ambientAmbient temperature
RealnParallel number of identical parallel flow devices
CoefficientOfHeatTransferalpha0100guess value for heat transfer coefficients


HeatPorts_aheatPorts[n]Heat port to component boundary

Model Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​LocalPipeFlowHeatTransfer
LocalPipeFlowHeatTransfer: Laminar and turbulent forced convection in pipes, local coefficients


Heat transfer model for laminar and turbulent flow in pipes. Range of validity:

The correlation takes into account the spatial position along the pipe flow, which changes discontinuously at flow reversal. However, the heat transfer coefficient itself is continuous around zero flow rate, but not its derivative.


Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (1997):
VDI Wärmeatlas. Springer Verlag, Ed. 8, 1997.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​HeatTransfer.​PartialPipeFlowHeatTransfer (Base class for pipe heat transfer correlation in terms of Nusselt number heat transfer in a circular pipe for laminar and turbulent one-phase flow).


Integern1Number of heat transfer segments
Booleanuse_kfalse= true to use k value for thermal isolation
CoefficientOfHeatTransferk0Heat transfer coefficient to ambient
TemperatureT_ambientsystem.​T_ambientAmbient temperature
RealnParallel number of identical parallel flow devices
CoefficientOfHeatTransferalpha0100guess value for heat transfer coefficients


HeatPorts_aheatPorts[n]Heat port to component boundary

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:24 EST by MapleSim.