Package Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​LaminarAndQuadraticTurbulent
Pipe wall friction for laminar and turbulent flow in circular tubes (simple characteristic)


This component defines the quadratic turbulent regime of wall friction: dp = k*m_flow*|m_flow|, where "k" depends on density and the roughness of the pipe and is no longer a function of the Reynolds number. This relationship is only valid for large Reynolds numbers. At Re=4000, a polynomial is constructed that approaches the constant λ (for large Reynolds-numbers) at Re=4000 smoothly and has a derivative at zero mass flow rate that is identical to laminar wall friction.

Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​PartialWallFriction (Partial wall friction characteristic (base package of all wall friction characteristics)).

Package Contents

InternalFunctions to calculate mass flow rate from friction pressure drop and vice versa
massFlowRate_dpReturn mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction
massFlowRate_dp_staticHeadReturn mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction and static head
pressureLoss_m_flowReturn pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction
pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHeadReturn pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction and static head

Package Constants

Booleandp_is_zerofalse= true, if no wall friction is present, i.e., dp = 0 (function massFlowRate_dp() cannot be used)
final Booleanuse_dp_smalltrue= true, if dp_small is used in function, otherwise value is not used
final Booleanuse_m_flow_smalltrue= true, if m_flow_small is used in function, otherwise value is not used
final Booleanuse_mutrue= true, if mu_a/mu_b are used in function, otherwise value is not used
final Booleanuse_Re_turbulenttrue= true, if Re_turbulent input is used in function, otherwise value is not used
final Booleanuse_roughnesstrue= true, if roughness is used in function, otherwise value is not used

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​LaminarAndQuadraticTurbulent.​massFlowRate_dp
Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction


Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​PartialWallFriction.​massFlowRate_dp (Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction).


PressuredpPressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)
Densityrho_aDensity at port_a
Densityrho_bDensity at port_b
DynamicViscositymu_aDynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)
DynamicViscositymu_bDynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)
LengthlengthLength of pipe
DiameterdiameterInner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe
AreacrossAreaInner cross section area
LengthroughnessAbsolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)
AbsolutePressuredp_smallRegularization of zero flow if |dp| < dp_small (dummy if use_dp_small = false)
ReynoldsNumberRe_turbulentTurbulent flow if Re >= Re_turbulent (dummy if use_Re_turbulent = false)


MassFlowRatem_flowMass flow rate from port_a to port_b

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​LaminarAndQuadraticTurbulent.​massFlowRate_dp_staticHead
Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction and static head


Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​PartialWallFriction.​massFlowRate_dp_staticHead (Return mass flow rate m_flow as function of pressure loss dp, i.e., m_flow = f(dp), due to wall friction and static head).


PressuredpPressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)
Densityrho_aDensity at port_a
Densityrho_bDensity at port_b
DynamicViscositymu_aDynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)
DynamicViscositymu_bDynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)
LengthlengthLength of pipe
DiameterdiameterInner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe
Realg_times_height_abGravity times (Height(port_b) - Height(port_a))
AreacrossAreaInner cross section area
LengthroughnessAbsolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)
AbsolutePressuredp_smallRegularization of zero flow if |dp| < dp_small (dummy if use_dp_small = false)
ReynoldsNumberRe_turbulentTurbulent flow if Re >= Re_turbulent (dummy if use_Re_turbulent = false)


MassFlowRatem_flowMass flow rate from port_a to port_b

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​LaminarAndQuadraticTurbulent.​pressureLoss_m_flow
Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction


Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​PartialWallFriction.​pressureLoss_m_flow (Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction).


MassFlowRatem_flowMass flow rate from port_a to port_b
Densityrho_aDensity at port_a
Densityrho_bDensity at port_b
DynamicViscositymu_aDynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)
DynamicViscositymu_bDynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)
LengthlengthLength of pipe
DiameterdiameterInner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe
AreacrossAreaInner cross section area
LengthroughnessAbsolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)
MassFlowRatem_flow_smallRegularization of zero flow if |m_flow| < m_flow_small (dummy if use_m_flow_small = false)
ReynoldsNumberRe_turbulentTurbulent flow if Re >= Re_turbulent (dummy if use_Re_turbulent = false)


PressuredpPressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)

Function Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​LaminarAndQuadraticTurbulent.​pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead
Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction and static head


Extends from Modelica.​Fluid.​Pipes.​BaseClasses.​WallFriction.​PartialWallFriction.​pressureLoss_m_flow_staticHead (Return pressure loss dp as function of mass flow rate m_flow, i.e., dp = f(m_flow), due to wall friction and static head).


MassFlowRatem_flowMass flow rate from port_a to port_b
Densityrho_aDensity at port_a
Densityrho_bDensity at port_b
DynamicViscositymu_aDynamic viscosity at port_a (dummy if use_mu = false)
DynamicViscositymu_bDynamic viscosity at port_b (dummy if use_mu = false)
LengthlengthLength of pipe
DiameterdiameterInner (hydraulic) diameter of pipe
Realg_times_height_abGravity times (Height(port_b) - Height(port_a))
AreacrossAreaInner cross section area
LengthroughnessAbsolute roughness of pipe, with a default for a smooth steel pipe (dummy if use_roughness = false)
MassFlowRatem_flow_smallRegularization of zero flow if |m_flow| < m_flow_small (dummy if use_m_flow_small = false)
ReynoldsNumberRe_turbulentTurbulent flow if Re >= Re_turbulent (dummy if use_Re_turbulent = false)


PressuredpPressure loss (dp = port_a.p - port_b.p)

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:24 EST by MapleSim.