Package Modelica.​Fluid.​UsersGuide
User's Guide


Library Modelica.Fluid is a free Modelica package providing components for 1-dimensional thermo-fluid flow in networks of pipes. A unique feature is that the component equations and the media models as well as pressure loss and heat transfer correlations are decoupled from each other. All components are implemented such that they can be used for media from the Modelica.Media library. This means especially that an incompressible or compressible medium, a single or a multiple substance medium with one or more phases might be used.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Information (Icon for general information packages).

Package Contents

BuildingSystemModelsBuilding system models
ComponentDefinitionComponent definition
GettingStartedGetting started
ReleaseNotesRelease notes

Class Modelica.​Fluid.​UsersGuide.​Overview


The Modelica.Fluid library provides basic interfaces and components to model 1-dimensional thermo-fluid flow in networks of pipes. It is not the intention that this library covers all application cases because the fluid flow area is too large and because for special applications it is possible to implement libraries with simpler component interfaces. Instead, the goal is that the Modelica.Fluid library provides a reasonable set of components and that it demonstrates how to implement components of a fluid flow library in Modelica, in particular to cope with difficult issues such as connector design, reversing flow and initialization. It is planned to include more components in the future. User proposals are welcome.

This library has the following main features:

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Information (Icon for general information packages).

Class Modelica.​Fluid.​UsersGuide.​GettingStarted
Getting started


Please explore the Examples, which provide simple models for a broad variety of applications.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Information (Icon for general information packages).

Class Modelica.​Fluid.​UsersGuide.​ReleaseNotes
Release notes


Version 1.1, 2009-06-21

The Modelica_Fluid library (revisionId = r2625) was included as Modelica.Fluid in the Modelica Standard Library 3.1.

Version 1.0, 2009-01-28

Modelica_Fluid was refactored and finalized for the release:

Version 1.0 Streams Beta 3, 2008-10-12

Modelica.Fluid was further improved:

"Check" for the library is successful. "Check with Simulation" (i.e., simulating all test models in the library) is successful with the exceptions:

Version 1.0 Streams Beta 2, 2008-10-08

Modelica.Fluid was transformed to Modelica 3 and to Modelica Standard library 3.0 (by automatic conversion). Further changes:

Version 1.0 Streams Beta 1, 2008-05-02

Changed connectors to stream connectors and adapted the following sublibraries:

Other changes:

Version 1.0 Beta 4, 2008-04-26

Changes according to the Modelica Design Meetings since the last beta version. This version is used to "freeze" the current development, in order to change to a version with a new connector design using stream variables.

Version 1.0 Beta 3, 2007-06-05

Changes according to the Modelica Design Meetings since the Modelica'2006 conference, especially, improved initialization, changed Source components (input connectors must be enabled), improved tank component, moved test models from Examples to new package Test, many more test models, etc. This version is slightly non-backward compatible to version 1.0 Beta 2.

Version 1.0 Beta 2, 2006-08-28

Package considerably restructured and some new components added. New examples (ControlledTankSystem, AST_BatchPlant).

Version 0.96, 2006-01-08

Version 0.910, 2005-10-25

Version 0.900, 2004-10-18

Version 0.794, 2004-05-31

Version 0.793, 2004-05-18

Version 0.792, 2003-11-07

This is the first consolidated version made up from several changes for Modelica'2003. Modelica.Fluid is still quite far away from a library that could be included in the Modelica standard library.

Previous Releases

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ReleaseNotes (Icon for release notes in documentation).

Class Modelica.​Fluid.​UsersGuide.​Contact


Library officers

Francesco Casella
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Politecnico di Milano
Via Ponzio 34/5
I-20133 Milano, Italy

Rüdiger Franke
Kallstadter Str. 1
D-68163, Germany


The development of this library has been a collaborative effort and many have contributed.

Partial financial support of ABB and DLR by BMBF (BMBF Förderkennzeichen: 01IS07022F) for the further development of this library within the ITEA project EUROSYSLIB is highly appreciated.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Contact (Icon for contact information).

Generated 2018-12-12 12:12:59 EST by MapleSim.