Package Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Examples.​Utilities
Utilities to be used in examples


This icon indicates a package containing utility classes.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​UtilitiesPackage (Icon for utility packages).

Package Contents

CoilDesignCalculation of winding parameters (wire diameter, number of turns et al.) and recalculation with optionally chosen parameters; to be adapted to particular design tasks
TranslatoryArmatureAndStopperMass with free travel between two stoppers

Model Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Examples.​Utilities.​TranslatoryArmatureAndStopper
Mass with free travel between two stoppers


In translatory actuators with limited stroke, the armature with its inertia can travel between two stoppers.


LengthL Length of component from left flange to right flange (= flange_b.s - flange_a.s)
Massm Armature mass
TranslationalSpringConstantc Spring stiffness between impact partners
TranslationalDampingConstantd Damping coefficient between impact partners
Realn2Exponent of spring forces (f_c = c*|s_rel|^n)
Positionx_max Position of stopper at maximum armature position
Positionx_min Position of stopper at minimum armature position



Record Modelica.​Magnetic.​FluxTubes.​Examples.​Utilities.​CoilDesign
Calculation of winding parameters (wire diameter, number of turns et al.) and recalculation with optionally chosen parameters; to be adapted to particular design tasks


This model example shows dimensioning of a winding (wire diameter, number of turns) based on desired operating conditions (voltage, temperature, current density, conductor filling factor) for a given cross-section area of the winding. It can be modified according to the parameters given and sought after for a particular design project.

The calculated winding resistance and number of turns can be used as input parameters to the electrical subsystem of a device to be modelled. Operating voltage V_op can be minimum, nominal and maximum voltage respectively as specified for a particular design project. In conjunction with the setting of the operating temperature T_op, this enables for analysis of the device under worst-case conditions (e.g., minimum required magnetomotive force, maximum allowed ohmic losses, minimum and maximum force respectively).

For manufacturing of a winding, the obtained wire diameter d_wireCalculated must be rounded to that of an available wire. In order to analyse the influence of this rounding, one can enter the chosen wire diameter d_wireChosen and number of turns N_chosen as optional input. Calculation of the resulting winding parameters enables for comparison with the ones obtained otherwise.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


parameter Resistivityrho_20Resistivity of conductor material at 20 degC (default: Copper)
parameter LinearTemperatureCoefficientalpha_20Temperature coefficient of conductor material's resistivity at 20 degC (default: Copper)
parameter TemperatureT_opOperating temperature of winding
parameter ResistivityrhoResistivity at operating temperature
parameter Lengthh_wHeight of winding cross-section
parameter Lengthb_wWidth of winding cross-section
parameter AreaA_wCross-section area of winding
parameter Lengthl_avgAverage length of one turn
parameter VoltageV_opOperating voltage (nominal/ minimum/ maximum voltage depending on design objective)
parameter CurrentDensityJ_desiredDESIRED current density at operating temperature and voltage resp.
parameter Realc_condFillChosenCHOSEN conductor filling factor = total conductor area without insulation/ total winding area
parameter RealN_calculatedCALCULATED number of turns
parameter Diameterd_wireCalculatedCALCULATED wire diameter (without insulation)
parameter AreaA_wireCalculatedCalculated wire cross-section area
parameter ResistanceR_calculatedWinding resistance at operating temperature and voltage resp. with CALCULATED number of turns and wire diameter
parameter PowerP_calculatedWinding's ohmic losses at operating temperature and voltage resp. with CALCULATED number of turns and wire diameter
parameter Diameterd_wireChosenCHOSEN available wire diameter (without insulation)
parameter RealN_chosenCHOSEN number of turns
parameter AreaA_wireChosenWire cross-section area resulting from CHOSEN wire diameter
parameter ResistanceR_actualWinding resistance at operating temperature and voltage resp. resulting from CHOSEN number of turns and wire diameter
parameter PowerP_actualWinding's ohmic losses at operating temperature and voltage resp. resulting from CHOSEN number of turns and wire diameter
parameter CurrentDensityJ_actualCurrent density at operating temperature and voltage resp. resulting from CHOSEN number of turns and wire diameter
parameter Realc_condFillActualConductor filling factor resulting from CHOSEN number of turns and wire diameter

Generated 2018-12-12 12:10:56 EST by MapleSim.