Package Modelica.​Mechanics.​MultiBody.​Types.​Defaults
Default settings of the MultiBody library via constants


This package contains constants used as default setting in the MultiBody library.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Constants

ColorArrowColor[3]{0, 0, 255}Default color for arrows and double arrows (blue)
RealArrowHeadLengthFraction4Arrow head length / arrow diameter
RealArrowHeadWidthFraction3Arrow head width / arrow diameter
ColorBodyColor[3]{0, 128, 255}Default color for body shapes that have mass (light blue)
RealBodyCylinderDiameterFraction3Default for body cylinder diameter as a fraction of body sphere diameter
ColorForceColor[3]{0, 128, 0}Default color for force arrow (dark green)
ColorFrameColor[3]{0, 0, 0}Default color for frame axes and labels (black)
RealFrameHeadLengthFraction5Frame arrow head length / arrow diameter
RealFrameHeadWidthFraction3Frame arrow head width / arrow diameter
RealFrameLabelHeightFraction3Height of frame label / arrow diameter
ColorJointColor[3]{255, 0, 0}Default color for elementary joints (red)
RealJointRodDiameterFraction2Default for rod diameter as a fraction of joint sphere diameter attached to rod
ColorRodColor[3]{155, 155, 155}Default color for massless rod shapes (grey)
ColorSensorColor[3]{255, 255, 0}Default color for sensors (yellow)
ColorSpringColor[3]{0, 0, 255}Default color for a spring (blue)
ColorTorqueColor[3]{0, 128, 0}Default color for torque arrow (dark green)

Generated 2018-12-12 12:12:55 EST by MapleSim.