Package Modelica.​Mechanics.​Rotational.​Examples.​Utilities
Utility classes used by rotational example models


This package contains utility models and functions used by some of the example models from the rotational mechanics package.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​UtilitiesPackage (Icon for utility packages).

Package Contents

DirectInertiaInput/output block of a direct inertia model
InverseInertiaInput/output block of an inverse inertia model
SpringInput/output block of a spring model
SpringDamperInput/output block of a spring/damper model
SpringDamperNoRelativeStatesLinear 1D rotational spring and damper in parallel (phi and w are not used as states)

Model Modelica.​Mechanics.​Rotational.​Examples.​Utilities.​DirectInertia
Input/output block of a direct inertia model


A rotational component with pure signal interface which can be applied for a FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit) exchange. The input torque tauDrive is applied on one side of a rotational component with inertia whereby the input torque tau is applied on the other side of it.

See also


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).




input RealInputtauDriveAccelerating torque acting at flange (= -flange.tau)
output RealOutputphiInertia moves with angle phi due to torque tau
output RealOutputwInertia moves with speed w due to torque tau
output RealOutputaInertia moves with acceleration a due to torque tau
input RealInputtauTorque to drive the inertia

Model Modelica.​Mechanics.​Rotational.​Examples.​Utilities.​InverseInertia
Input/output block of an inverse inertia model


A rotational component with pure signal interface which can be applied for a FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit) exchange. Based on the kinematic inputs applied on a component with inertia the output torque tau is returned.

See also


Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).




input RealInputphiAngle to drive the inertia
input RealInputwSpeed to drive the inertia
input RealInputaAcceleration to drive the inertia
output RealOutputtauTorque needed to drive the flange according to phi, w, a

Model Modelica.​Mechanics.​Rotational.​Examples.​Utilities.​SpringDamper
Input/output block of a spring/damper model


A linear 1D rotational spring and damper in parallel with pure signal interface which can be applied for a FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit) exchange.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


RotationalSpringConstantc10000Spring constant
RotationalDampingConstantd1Damping constant
Anglephi_rel00Unstretched spring angle


input RealInputphi1Angle of left flange of force element
input RealInputw1Speed to left flange of force element
output RealOutputtau1Torque generated by the force element
input RealInputphi2Angle of right flange of force element
input RealInputw2Speed to right flange of force element
output RealOutputtau2Torque generated by the force element

Model Modelica.​Mechanics.​Rotational.​Examples.​Utilities.​Spring
Input/output block of a spring model


A linear 1D rotational spring with pure signal interface which can be applied for a FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit) exchange.

Extends from Modelica.​Blocks.​Icons.​Block (Basic graphical layout of input/output block).


RotationalSpringConstantc10000Spring constant
Anglephi_rel00Unstretched spring angle


input RealInputphi1Angle of left flange of force element
output RealOutputtau1Torque generated by the force element
input RealInputphi2Angle of right flange of force element
output RealOutputtau2Torque generated by the force element

Model Modelica.​Mechanics.​Rotational.​Examples.​Utilities.​SpringDamperNoRelativeStates
Linear 1D rotational spring and damper in parallel (phi and w are not used as states)


A spring and damper element connected in parallel. The component can be connected either between two masses to describe the joint elasticity and damping, or between a mass and the housing (component Fixed), to describe a coupling of the element with the housing via a spring/damper.

This is the same element as Rotational.Components.SpringDamper but with the only difference, that the relative quantities are not used as states. If the relative states are potentially used as states, "a_rel = der(w_rel)" is present, and then exporting this model as FMU requires to also have the accelerations in the flanges as inputs, which is usually not desired for a force element.

Extends from Modelica.​Mechanics.​Rotational.​Interfaces.​PartialCompliant (Partial model for the compliant connection of two rotational 1-dim. shaft flanges) and Modelica.​Thermal.​HeatTransfer.​Interfaces.​PartialElementaryConditionalHeatPortWithoutT (Partial model to include a conditional HeatPort in order to dissipate losses, used for textual modeling, i.e., for elementary models).


RotationalSpringConstantc Spring constant
RotationalDampingConstantd Damping constant
Anglephi_rel00Unstretched spring angle
BooleanuseHeatPortfalse=true, if heatPort is enabled


Flange_aflange_aLeft flange of compliant 1-dim. rotational component
Flange_bflange_bRight flange of compliant 1-dim. rotational component
HeatPort_aheatPortOptional port to which dissipated losses are transported in form of heat

Generated 2018-12-12 12:12:56 EST by MapleSim.