Package Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​Choices
Types, constants to define menu choices


Enumerations and data types for all types of fluids

Note: Reference enthalpy might have to be extended with enthalpy of formation.

Extends from Modelica.​Media.​Interfaces.​Choices (Types, constants to define menu choices).

Package Contents

IndependentVariablesEnumeration defining the independent variables of a medium
InitEnumeration defining initialization for fluid flow
pdEnumeration defining whether p or d are known for the boundary condition
ReferenceEnthalpyEnumeration defining the reference enthalpy of a medium
ReferenceEntropyEnumeration defining the reference entropy of a medium
ThEnumeration defining whether T or h are known as boundary condition

Enumeration Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​Choices.​IndependentVariables
Enumeration defining the independent variables of a medium


pTPressure, Temperature
phPressure, Specific Enthalpy
phXPressure, Specific Enthalpy, Mass Fraction
pTXPressure, Temperature, Mass Fractions
dTXDensity, Temperature, Mass Fractions

Enumeration Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​Choices.​Init
Enumeration defining initialization for fluid flow


NoInitNoInit (no initialization)
InitialStatesInitialStates (initialize medium states)
SteadyStateSteadyState (initialize in steady state)
SteadyMassSteadyMass (initialize density or pressure in steady state)

Enumeration Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​Choices.​ReferenceEnthalpy
Enumeration defining the reference enthalpy of a medium


ZeroAt0KThe enthalpy is 0 at 0 K (default), if the enthalpy of formation is excluded
ZeroAt25CThe enthalpy is 0 at 25 degC, if the enthalpy of formation is excluded
UserDefinedThe user-defined reference enthalpy is used at 293.15 K (25 degC)

Enumeration Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​Choices.​ReferenceEntropy
Enumeration defining the reference entropy of a medium


ZeroAt0KThe entropy is 0 at 0 K (default)
ZeroAt0CThe entropy is 0 at 0 degC
UserDefinedThe user-defined reference entropy is used at 293.15 K (25 degC)

Enumeration Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​Choices.​pd
Enumeration defining whether p or d are known for the boundary condition


defaultDefault (no boundary condition for p or d)
p_knownp_known (pressure p is known)
d_knownd_known (density d is known)

Enumeration Modelica.​Media.​Air.​DryAirNasa.​Choices.​Th
Enumeration defining whether T or h are known as boundary condition


defaultDefault (no boundary condition for T or h)
T_knownT_known (temperature T is known)
h_knownh_known (specific enthalpy h is known)

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:47 EST by MapleSim.