Package Modelica.​Media.​Common.​OneNonLinearEquation
Determine solution of a non-linear algebraic equation in one unknown without derivatives in a reliable and efficient way


This function should currently only be used in Modelica.Media, since it might be replaced in the future by another strategy, where the tool is responsible for the solution of the non-linear equation.

This library determines the solution of one non-linear algebraic equation "y=f(x)" in one unknown "x" in a reliable way. As input, the desired value y of the non-linear function has to be given, as well as an interval x_min, x_max that contains the solution, i.e., "f(x_min) - y" and "f(x_max) - y" must have a different sign. If possible, a smaller interval is computed by inverse quadratic interpolation (interpolating with a quadratic polynomial through the last 3 points and computing the zero). If this fails, bisection is used, which always reduces the interval by a factor of 2. The inverse quadratic interpolation method has superlinear convergence. This is roughly the same convergence rate as a globally convergent Newton method, but without the need to compute derivatives of the non-linear function. The solver function is a direct mapping of the Algol 60 procedure "zero" to Modelica, from:

Brent R.P.:
Algorithms for Minimization without derivatives. Prentice Hall, 1973, pp. 58-59.

Due to current limitations of the Modelica language (not possible to pass a function reference to a function), the construction to use this solver on a user-defined function is a bit complicated (this method is from Hans Olsson, Dassault Systèmes AB). A user has to provide a package in the following way:

  package MyNonLinearSolver
    extends OneNonLinearEquation;

    redeclare record extends Data
      // Define data to be passed to user function
    end Data;

    redeclare function extends f_nonlinear
       // Compute the non-linear equation: y = f(x, Data)
    end f_nonlinear;

    // Dummy definition that has to be present for current Dymola
    redeclare function extends solve
    end solve;
  end MyNonLinearSolver;

  x_zero = MyNonLinearSolver.solve(y_zero, x_min, x_max, data=data);

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

f_nonlinearNonlinear algebraic equation in one unknown: y = f_nonlinear(x,p,X)
f_nonlinear_DataData specific for function f_nonlinear
solveSolve f_nonlinear(x_zero)=y_zero; f_nonlinear(x_min) - y_zero and f_nonlinear(x_max)-y_zero must have different sign

Record Modelica.​Media.​Common.​OneNonLinearEquation.​f_nonlinear_Data
Data specific for function f_nonlinear


This icon is indicates a record.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).

Partial Function Modelica.​Media.​Common.​OneNonLinearEquation.​f_nonlinear
Nonlinear algebraic equation in one unknown: y = f_nonlinear(x,p,X)


This icon indicates Modelica functions.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


RealxIndependent variable of function
RealpDisregarded variables (here always used for pressure)
RealX[:]Disregarded variables (her always used for composition)
f_nonlinear_Dataf_nonlinear_dataAdditional data for the function


Realy= f_nonlinear(x)

Function Modelica.​Media.​Common.​OneNonLinearEquation.​solve
Solve f_nonlinear(x_zero)=y_zero; f_nonlinear(x_min) - y_zero and f_nonlinear(x_max)-y_zero must have different sign


This icon indicates Modelica functions.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


Realy_zeroDetermine x_zero, such that f_nonlinear(x_zero) = y_zero
Realx_minMinimum value of x
Realx_maxMaximum value of x
RealpressureDisregarded variables (here always used for pressure)
RealX[:]Disregarded variables (here always used for composition)
f_nonlinear_Dataf_nonlinear_dataAdditional data for function f_nonlinear
Realx_tolRelative tolerance of the result


Realx_zerof_nonlinear(x_zero) = y_zero

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:47 EST by MapleSim.