Package Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir
Examples for detailed dry air and moist air medium models


This icon indicates a package that contains executable examples.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Contents

DryAir1Example 1 for dry air
DryAir2Example 2 for dry air
Inverse_sh_TSolve h = h_pT(p, T), s = s_pT(p, T) for T, if h or s is given
Inverse_sh_TXSolve h = h_pTX(p, T, X), s = s_pTX(p, T, X) for T, if h or s is given
MoistAirExample for moist air
MoistAir1Example 1 for moist air
MoistAir2Example 2 for moist air

Model Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir.​DryAir1
Example 1 for dry air


Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples) and Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​Utilities.​PartialTestModel (Basic test model to test a medium).


AbsolutePressurep_startMedium.​p_defaultInitial value of pressure
TemperatureT_startMedium.​T_defaultInitial value of temperature
SpecificEnthalpyh_startMedium.​h_defaultInitial value of specific enthalpy
RealX_start[Medium.nX]Medium.​X_defaultInitial value of mass fractions

Model Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir.​DryAir2
Example 2 for dry air


Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples) and Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​Utilities.​PartialTestModel2 (Slightly larger test model to test a medium).


AbsolutePressurep_start100000Initial value of pressure
TemperatureT_start300Initial value of temperature
SpecificEnthalpyh_start1Initial value of specific enthalpy
RealX_start[Medium.nX]Medium.​reference_XInitial value of mass fractions

Model Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir.​MoistAir
Example for moist air


This icon indicates an example. The play button suggests that the example can be executed.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


TemperatureT_start274Initial guess value for temperature
Pressurep_start100000Initial guess value for pressure
MolarMassMMx[2]{Medium.dryair.MM, Medium.steam.MM}Vector of molar masses (consisting of dry air and of steam)

Model Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir.​MoistAir1
Example 1 for moist air


Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples) and Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​Utilities.​PartialTestModel (Basic test model to test a medium).


AbsolutePressurep_startMedium.​p_defaultInitial value of pressure
TemperatureT_startMedium.​T_defaultInitial value of temperature
SpecificEnthalpyh_startMedium.​h_defaultInitial value of specific enthalpy
RealX_start[Medium.nX]Medium.​X_defaultInitial value of mass fractions

Model Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir.​MoistAir2
Example 2 for moist air


Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples) and Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​Utilities.​PartialTestModel2 (Slightly larger test model to test a medium).


AbsolutePressurep_start100000Initial value of pressure
TemperatureT_start300Initial value of temperature
SpecificEnthalpyh_start1Initial value of specific enthalpy
RealX_start[Medium.nX]Medium.​reference_XInitial value of mass fractions

Model Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir.​Inverse_sh_T
Solve h = h_pT(p, T), s = s_pT(p, T) for T, if h or s is given


This icon indicates an example. The play button suggests that the example can be executed.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


TemperatureT_min300Vary temperature linearly from T_min (time=0) up to T_max (time=1)
TemperatureT_max500Vary temperature linearly from T_min (time=0) up to T_max (time=1)
Pressurep100000Fixed pressure in model
final SpecificEnthalpyh_minMedium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pT(p, T_min))Specific enthalpy at T_min
final SpecificEnthalpyh_maxMedium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pT(p, T_max))Specific enthalpy at T_max
final SpecificEntropys_minMedium.specificEntropy(Medium.setState_pT(p, T_min))Specific entropy at T_min
final SpecificEntropys_maxMedium.specificEntropy(Medium.setState_pT(p, T_max))Specific entropy at T_max

Model Modelica.​Media.​Examples.​ReferenceAir.​Inverse_sh_TX
Solve h = h_pTX(p, T, X), s = s_pTX(p, T, X) for T, if h or s is given


Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).


TemperatureT_min300Vary temperature linearly from T_min (time=0) up to T_max (time=1)
TemperatureT_max500Vary temperature linearly from T_min (time=0) up to T_max (time=1)
Pressurep100000Fixed pressure in model
MassFractionX[:]Modelica.​Media.​Air.​ReferenceMoistAir.​reference_XMass fraction vector
final SpecificEnthalpyh_minModelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.specificEnthalpy(Modelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.setState_pTX(p, T_min, X))Specific enthalpy at T_min
final SpecificEnthalpyh_maxModelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.specificEnthalpy(Modelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.setState_pTX(p, T_max, X))Specific enthalpy at T_max
final SpecificEntropys_minModelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.specificEntropy(Modelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.setState_pTX(p, T_min, X))Specific entropy at T_min
final SpecificEntropys_maxModelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.specificEntropy(Modelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.setState_pTX(p, T_max, X))Specific entropy at T_max

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:38 EST by MapleSim.