Package Modelica.​Media.​IdealGases.​Common
Common packages and data for the ideal gas models


Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

DataRecordCoefficient data record for properties of ideal gases based on NASA source
FluidDataCritical data, dipole moments and related data
FunctionsBasic Functions for ideal gases: cp, h, s, thermal conductivity, viscosity
MixtureGasNasaMedium model of a mixture of ideal gases based on NASA source
SingleGasesDataIdeal gas data based on the NASA Glenn coefficients
SingleGasNasaMedium model of an ideal gas based on NASA source

Record Modelica.​Media.​IdealGases.​Common.​DataRecord
Coefficient data record for properties of ideal gases based on NASA source


This data record contains the coefficients for the ideal gas equations according to:

McBride B.J., Zehe M.J., and Gordon S. (2002): NASA Glenn Coefficients for Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Species. NASA report TP-2002-211556

The equations have the following structure:

The polynomials for h(T) and s0(T) are derived via integration from the one for cp(T) and contain the integration constants b1, b2 that define the reference specific enthalpy and entropy. For entropy differences the reference pressure p0 is arbitrary, but not for absolute entropies. It is chosen as 1 standard atmosphere (101325 Pa).

For most gases, the region of validity is from 200 K to 6000 K. The equations are split into two regions that are separated by Tlimit (usually 1000 K). In both regions the gas is described by the data above. The two branches are continuous and in most gases also differentiable at Tlimit.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


StringnameName of ideal gas
MolarMassMMMolar mass
SpecificEnthalpyHfEnthalpy of formation at 298.15K
SpecificEnthalpyH0H0(298.15K) - H0(0K)
TemperatureTlimitTemperature limit between low and high data sets
Realalow[7]Low temperature coefficients a
Realblow[2]Low temperature constants b
Realahigh[7]High temperature coefficients a
Realbhigh[2]High temperature constants b
SpecificHeatCapacityRGas constant

Generated 2018-12-12 12:13:56 EST by MapleSim.