Edge triggered register bank with reset


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Description in VHDL is given by http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~ggbaker/reference/std_logic/src/std_logic_entities

Truth Table for high active reset:

DataIn Clock Reset DataOut Map
* * U U 1
* * 1 0 2
* 0-Trns 0 NC 3
* 1-Trns 0 DataIn 3
* X-Trns 0 X or U or NC 3
* * X X or U or 0 or NC 4

Truth Table for low active reset:

DataIn Clock Reset DataOut Map
* * U U 1
* * 0 0 2
* 0-Trns 1 NC 3
* 1-Trns 1 DataIn 3
* X-Trns 1 X or U or NC 3
* * X X or U or 0 or NC 4

  *  = do not care
  U  = L.'U'
  0  = L.'0' or L.'L'
  1  = L.'1' or L.'H'
  X  = L.'X' or L.'W' or L.'Z' or L.'-'
  NC = no change

Clock transition definitions:
  1-Trns: 0 -> 1
  0-Trns: ~ -> 0 or 1 -> * or X -> X|U or U -> X|U
  X-Trns: 0 -> X|U or X|U -> 1

Parameters (3)


Value: {1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4}

Type: Integer[L]

Description: function selection, defaults for high active reset


Value: S.'S_X01'

Type: Strength

Description: output strength


Value: 1

Type: Integer

Description: data width

Connectors (4)


Type: DigitalInput


Type: DigitalInput


Type: DigitalInput[n]


Type: DigitalOutput[n]

Used in Components (1)



Edge triggered register bank with high active reset