Linear current-controlled voltage source


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

The linear current-controlled voltage source is a TwoPort. The "right" port voltage at pin 2 (=p2.v) is controlled by the "left" port current at pin p1(=p1.i) via

    p2.v = p1.i * transResistance.

The controlling port voltage is zero. Any transResistance can be chosen.

The corresponding SPICE description

    Hname N+ N- VNAM VALUE

is translated to Modelica:

    Hname -> Spice3.Basic.H_CCV Hname
    (Hname is the name of the Modelica instance)
    N+ -> p2.v
    N- -> n2.v  

The voltage source VNAM has the two nodes NV+ and NV-:

                   VNAM VN+ VN- VALUE_V

The current through VNAM hast to be led through the CCV.

Therefore VNAM has to be disconnected and an additional

node NV_AD has to be added.

    NV_AD -> p1.i
    NV- -> n1.i

On this way the current, that flows through the voltage source VNAM, flows through the CCV.

    VALUE -> transResistance 

Parameters (1)



Type: Resistance (Ω)

Description: Transresistance

Connectors (4)


Type: PositivePin

Description: Positive pin of the controlling port


Type: NegativePin

Description: Negative pin of the controlling port


Type: PositivePin

Description: Positive pin of the controlled port


Type: NegativePin

Description: Negative pin of the controlled port