
Computes specific enthalpy of water (solid/liquid) near atmospheric pressure from temperature T


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

Specific enthalpy of water (liquid and solid) is computed from temperature using constant properties as follows:
  • heat capacity of liquid water:4200 J/kg
  • heat capacity of solid water: 2050 J/kg
  • enthalpy of fusion (liquid=>solid): 333000 J/kg
Pressure is assumed to be around 1 bar. This function is usually used to determine the specific enthalpy of the liquid or solid fraction of moist air.


h = enthalpyOfWater(T)

Inputs (1)


Type: Temperature (K)

Description: Temperature

Outputs (1)


Type: SpecificEnthalpy (J/kg)

Description: Specific enthalpy of water