
Specific heat capacity at constant volume | use setState_phX function for input


This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.

This function calculates the specific heat capacity of R134a at constant volume from the state record (e.g., use setState_phX function for input). The specific heat capacity is modelled by the fundamental equation of state of Tillner-Roth and Baehr (1994).

Please note, that the function can also be called in the two-phase region, but the output is not continuous for a phase transition (see Tillner-Roth and Baehr, 1994). Values in two-phase region are considerably higher than in one-phase domain. The following figure just shows one-phase properties.


cv = specificHeatCapacityCv(state)

Inputs (1)


Type: ThermodynamicState

Description: Thermodynamic state record

Outputs (1)


Type: SpecificHeatCapacity (J/(kg·K))

Description: Specific heat capacity at constant volume