HeatedPipePipe with heat exchange |
This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.
This model simply extends from the Pipe model with parameter useHeatPort = true and is kept for compatibility reasons. In the future, it will be removed.
medium |
Value: Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() Type: Medium Description: Medium in the component |
m |
Value: Type: Mass (kg) Description: Mass of medium |
T0 |
Value: Type: Temperature (K) Description: Initial temperature of medium |
T0fixed |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: Initial temperature guess value or fixed |
tapT |
Value: 1 Type: Real Description: Defines temperature of heatPort between inlet and outlet temperature |
V_flowLaminar |
Value: Type: VolumeFlowRate (m³/s) Description: Laminar volume flow |
dpLaminar |
Value: Type: Pressure (Pa) Description: Laminar pressure drop |
V_flowNominal |
Value: Type: VolumeFlowRate (m³/s) Description: Nominal volume flow |
dpNominal |
Value: Type: Pressure (Pa) Description: Nominal pressure drop |
frictionLoss |
Value: 0 Type: Real Description: Part of friction losses fed to medium |
useHeatPort |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: =true, if HeatPort is enabled |
h_g |
Value: Type: Length (m) Description: Geodetic height (height difference from flowPort_a to flowPort_b) |
g |
Value: Modelica.Constants.g_n Type: Acceleration (m/s²) Description: Gravitation |
T |
Type: Temperature (K) Description: Outlet temperature of medium |
T_a |
Type: Temperature (K) Description: Temperature at flowPort_a |
T_b |
Type: Temperature (K) Description: Temperature at flowPort_b |
dT |
Type: TemperatureDifference (K) Description: Temperature increase of coolant in flow direction |
flowPort_a |
Type: FlowPort_a |
flowPort_b |
Type: FlowPort_b |
heatPort |
Type: HeatPort_a |
medium |
Type: Medium Description: Medium in the component |