
Package of signal source blocks generating clocked simulation time based Integer signals


This package provides source components akin to the blocks provided in Modelica.Blocks.Sources, but with the difference that they provide a clocked output signal.

As an effect it is not necessary to use an intermediate Sample block if the output signal is connected to a system that requires a clocked input signal. Therefore, it it can be slightly more convenient to use the blocks provided in this package than to use the blocks offered by Modelica.Blocks.Sources (since one does not need to add an additional Sample block for the transition from a continuous time signal to a clocked signal).

Extends from Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage (Icon for packages containing sources).

Package Content

Name Description
Modelica.Clocked.IntegerSignals.TimeBasedSources.Step Step Generate step signal of type Integer

Modelica.Clocked.IntegerSignals.TimeBasedSources.Step Modelica.Clocked.IntegerSignals.TimeBasedSources.Step

Generate step signal of type Integer


The block is similar to the block in Modelica.Blocks.Sources.IntegerStep, but adapted to work in clocked partitions (by internal sampling of the continuous time variable).

The Integer output y is a step signal:



See model Modelica.Clocked.Examples.Elementary.IntgerSignals.TimeBasedStep.

Extends from Interfaces.PartialClockedSO (Block with clocked single output Integer signal).


heightHeight of step
offsetOffset of output signal y
startTimeOutput y = offset for time < startTime [s]


yConnector of clocked, Real output signal
Automatically generated Thu Oct 1 16:07:37 2020.