
Polyphase test examples


This package contains test examples of analog electrical polyphase circuits.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Content

Name Description
Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TransformerYY TransformerYY Test example with polyphase components
Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TransformerYD TransformerYD Test example with polyphase components
Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.Rectifier Rectifier Test example with polyphase components
Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TestSensors TestSensors  
Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.PolyphaseRectifier PolyphaseRectifier Demonstrate a polyphase diode rectifier
Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.Utilities Utilities Utilities for Examples

Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TransformerYY Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TransformerYY

Test example with polyphase components


Test example with polyphase components:
Star-connected voltage source feeds via a Y-Y-transformer with internal impedance (RT, LT) a load resistor RT.
Using f=5 Hz LT=3mH defines nominal voltage drop of approximately 10 %.
Simulate for 1 second (2 periods) and compare voltages and currents of source, transformer and load.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


mNumber of phases
VAmplitude of Star-Voltage [V]
fFrequency [Hz]
LmTransformer main inductance [H]
LTTransformer stray inductance [H]
RTTransformer resistance [Ohm]
RLLoad Resistance [Ohm]
nTTransformer ratio

Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TransformerYD Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TransformerYD

Test example with polyphase components


Test example with polyphase components:
Star-connected voltage source feeds via a Y-D-transformer with internal impedance (RT, LT) a load resistor RT.
Using f=5 Hz LT=3mH defines nominal voltage drop of approximately 10 %.
Simulate for 1 second (2 periods) and compare voltages and currents of source, transformer and load.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


mNumber of phases
VAmplitude of Star-Voltage [V]
fFrequency [Hz]
LmTransformer main inductance [H]
LTTransformer stray inductance [H]
RTTransformer resistance [Ohm]
RLLoad Resistance [Ohm]
nTTransformer ratio

Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.Rectifier Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.Rectifier

Test example with polyphase components


Test example with polyphase components:
Star-connected voltage source feeds via a line reactor a diode bridge rectifier with a DC burden.
Using f=50 Hz, simulate for 0.1 second and compare voltages and currents of source and DC burden, neglecting initial transient.
We may also compare: Active power measured by powerSensor, powerSensorSpacePhasor and aronSensor, as well as reactive power measured by powerSensorSpacePhasor and reactivePowerSensor.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VRMS of Star-Voltage [V]
fFrequency [Hz]
LLine Inductance [H]
RLLoad Resistance [Ohm]
CTotal DC-Capacitance [F]
REEarthing Resistance [Ohm]
RonClosed diode resistance [Ohm]
GoffOpened diode conductance [S]
VkneeThreshold diode voltage [V]

Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TestSensors Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.TestSensors


Test polyphase quasiRMS and power sensors: A sinusoidal source feeds a load consisting of resistor and inductor.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


VRMSNominal RMS voltage per phase [V]
fFrequency [Hz]
RLoad resistance [Ohm]
LLoad inductance [H]

Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.PolyphaseRectifier Modelica.Electrical.Polyphase.Examples.PolyphaseRectifier

Demonstrate a polyphase diode rectifier


This example demonstrates a polyphase system with a rectifier per subsystem.

Note that the interaction between the subsystems is damped by the DC resistors and inductors.

You may try different number of phases 2 ≤ m, as well as connect the rectifiers with different number of parallel branches, and investigate AC values:

as well as DC values per subsystem (rectifier) and total (load):

Extends from Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


Automatically generated Thu Oct 1 16:07:42 2020.