Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger

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Package Content

Name Description
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube kc_flatTube  
Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube kc_roundTube  

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube

Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with flat tubes and several fin geometries.

Functions kc_flatTube and kc_flatTube_KC

There are basically three differences:





The mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for heat exchanger is calculated through the corresponding Coulburn factor j:

j = f(geometry, Re)

with the resulting mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc

kc =  j * Re_L_p * Pr^(1/3) * lambda / L_p (Louver fin)


kc =  j * Re_D_h * Pr^(1/3) * lambda / D_h (Rectangular offset strip fin)


D_h as hydraulic diameter [m],
kc as mean convective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2K)],
lambda as heat conductivity of fluid [W/(mK)],
L_p as louver pitch [m],
Nu_D_h = kc*D_h/lambda as mean Nusselt number based on hydraulic diameter [-],
Nu_L_p = kc*L_p/lambda as mean Nusselt number based on louver pitch [-],
Pr = eta*cp/lambda as Prandtl number [-],
Re_D_h = rho*v*D_h/eta as Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter [-],
Re_L_p = rho*v*L_p/eta as Reynolds number based on louver pitch [-],


The mean Nusselt number Nu representing the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc is shown below for different fin geometries at similar dimensions.



Y.-J. CHANG and C.-C. WANG:
A generalized heat transfer correlation for louver fin geometry. In International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, volume 40, No. 3, pages 533-544, 1997.
Y.-J. CHANG and C.-C. WANG:
Air Side Performance of Brazed Aluminium Heat Exchangers. In Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, volume 3, No. 1, pages 15-28, 1996.
R.-M. Manglik, A.-E. Bergles:
Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Correlations for the Rectangular Offset Strip Fin Compact Heat Exchanger. In Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, volume 10, pages 171-180, 1995.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).

Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.Utilities.SharedDocumentation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_roundTube

Calculation of the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for the air-side heat transfer of heat exchangers with round tubes and several fin geometries.

Functions kc_roundTube and kc_roundTube_KC

There are basically three differences:





The mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc for heat exchanger is calculated through the corresponding Coulburn factor j:

j = f(geometry, Re)

with the resulting mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc

kc =  j * Re * Pr^(1/3) * lambda / D_c


D_c as fin collar diameter [m],
kc as mean convective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2K)],
lambda as heat conductivity of fluid [W/(mK)],
Nu = kc*D_c/lambda as mean Nusselt number [-],
Pr = eta*cp/lambda as Prandtl number [-],
Re = rho*v*D_c/eta as Reynolds number [-],


The mean Nusselt number Nu representing the mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc is shown below for different fin geometries at similar dimensions.



C.-C. Wang, C.-T. Chang:
Heat and mass transfer for plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers, with and without hydrophilic coating. In International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, volume 41, pages 3109-3120, 1998.
C.-C. Wang, C.-J. Lee, C.-T. Chang, S.-P. Lina:
Heat transfer and friction correlation for compact louvered fin-and-tube heat exchangers. In International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, volume 42, pages 1945-1956, 1999.
C.-C. Wang, W.-H. Tao, C.-J. Chang:
An investigation of the airside performance of the slit fin-and-tube heat exchangers. In International Journal of Refrigeration, volume 22, pages 595-603, 1999.
C.-C. Wang, W.-L. Fu, C.-T. Chang:
Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Typical Wavy Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers. In Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, volume 14, pages 174-186, 1997.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Information (Icon for general information packages).

Automatically generated Thu Oct 1 16:07:59 2020.